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How to Make a Playlist on SoundCloud

SoundCloud playlists allow you to organize your favorite music tracks for your enjoyment or for sharing with others online. Anyone can create a playlist on SoundCloud for free by using the SoundCloud app or website. Plus, there's a variety of customization options available.

Here's everything you need to know about making and editing playlists on SoundCloud.

How to Create a SoundCloud Playlist and Add Tracks

There's no way to create a new playlist on SoundCloud without any tracks. The only way to make a new playlist is by adding a song to it before its creation. This sounds confusing, but it's straightforward and only takes a few minutes to create.

How to Use Twitter Analytics: 15 Simple-to-Find Stats to Help You Tweet Better

This post was originally published on October 15, 2014, and we have just updated it with the latest information and screenshots of Twitter analytics.

We're longtime Twitter fans, it's been an amazing tool for building personal brands and helping small businesses grow. Yelitsa Jean-Charlies is a good example of both, she's founder of Healthy Roots Dolls and she used Twitter to grow her brand and bring “the beauty of our diversity to the toy aisle.”

Since 2017, she's been using Twitter to build a brand rooted in authenticity and her personal story. Through Twitter, she tripled her mailing list, got new partnerships, generated organic leads, and contributed to the conversation around diversity in the toy aisle through hashtags like #RepresentationMatters.

If you’re a marketer or small business owner, you too can use Twitter to reach more…


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