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L.O.V.E. (Let Our Voices Encourage) Devotions

Public·20 members

Numbering Our Days With Hope

“So teach us to number our days that we may get a heart of wisdom.”

Psalm 90:12

Do you ever get bogged down in the everyday mundane? I sure do.


Do you sometimes feel as if the right-now, never-ending emails, to-dos, laundry, homework, conflict resolution, dirty dishes, and carpool lines are always pressing in, always swirling, but never quite getting you anywhere?


Me too.


One of the encouragements I find myself repeating again and again — to myself and the women around me — is not to let the mundane, everyday tasks of life or the busyness of any particular season rob us of rhythms and priorities that help us know and love Jesus more. We always need the reminder to keep our eyes on our eternal hope in Him.


Maybe it’s my age (let’s just say I’m in my mid-late 40s, shall we?), or maybe it’s the season I’m in (preparing to graduate my oldest child from college and see him off to grad school in another state), but Psalm 90 and its implications have resonated in my heart and mind over the last several months.


The psalmist, often presumed to be Moses, asks God to “teach us to number our days” (Psalm 90:12). Perhaps what’s most encouraging to me in this passage is the use of the word “teach” — because that means it’s normal not to automatically have wisdom for how to live our days purposefully, wisely and rightly motivated. This is something to be learned over time.


Numbering our days means pausing for regular consideration of our days in light of God’s ways — recognizing the finite gift of our lives here on earth and gaining “a heart of wisdom” (Psalm 90:12) as we steward what God has given us. This framework gives us permission to live with both courage and caution, simultaneously constrained and carefree. In the big, life-altering decisions and in the everyday mundane.


The eternal hope of Christ gives purpose to our days. There is a destination we’re headed to — a hope not yet fully realized — and this world is not it.


So numbering our days isn’t about mustering up fervor to “live life to the fullest” or to “carpe diem” our way through life. No, life’s meaning has already been secured by the image of God we carry in us (Genesis 1:27) and the finished work of redemption purchased for us by Jesus (Ephesians 1:7).


What does it mean to number our days, then? It means rejoicing in our eternal hope and allowing it to shape the choices we make — how we spend our time, where we look for encouragement, how we spend money, what entertainment we seek out, and the people we choose to invest in and listen to.


If we consider every day as part of God’s plan to teach us to take our eyes off of our immediate circumstances, we can set our minds on the God who has purposefully placed us in the midst of our current season so that we might live for Him. When we remember that God has numbered our days, we treasure everything that reminds us we already have everything we need in Him.


Father, thank You for the eternal hope we have in Christ. Thank You that it makes a difference for every mundane day. Help us to truly number our days well for Your glory and our good. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.


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