“The water I give [you] will become in [you] a spring of water welling up to eternal life.”
John 4:14
A media listener from Russia shared with us how he found himself in a spiritual desert after his wife left him. He became depressed and started drinking heavily. But getting drunk didn’t quench his inner thirst at all. Fortunately, he heard the gospel message on the radio. That was his first step toward finding healing and peace with God.
In our passage for today Jesus talks with a woman in Samaria about water. He discusses drinkable and living water. Fresh drinking water is a precious resource. Everyone needs it to survive. But Jesus says that the water he gives brings life. He provides living water that wells up within us to eternal life!
Many Old Testament passages speak of thirsting after God as being famished on a hot day and needing a cool drink. God is called the fountain of life and the spring of living water. In our reading today, living water refers to eternal life. Once we satisfy our spiritual thirst with living water, we will never thirst that way again. The Lord provides this living water in our souls so that we can draw upon it continuously.
If we feel lost in a spiritual desert, only Jesus can show us the way out. Only he can quench our thirst for God and give us the gift that satisfies the deepest desire of our souls.
Lord, thank you for spiritually refreshing our souls with living water through Jesus and by your Spirit. Help us to share this wonderful gift with all the thirsty people we meet. Amen.