Which songwriter wrote the State Farm ad jingle. "Like a good neighbor State Farm is there"?Take a guess; who was it? Neil Diamond; Billy Joel; Barry Manilow; Dolly Parton; Which one do you think?
Now for yesterday's test. Which sport was invented by a YMCA employee? You were right if you guessed Basketball.
Imagine they were first played with peach bushel baskets, and once they made a basket they had to climb up a ladder and retrieve the ball in 1891 by James Naismith. Nets weren't replaced for baskets for another 7 years.
Thanks for all of your prayers for VBS we had a great time together, and thank all of you yellow shirt staff, for your daily involvement. The kids had a great time & the Lord was given praise each night through their singing, teaching & the joy of children being brought together with His family .
Saturday 7/29
Eccl. 2:12 "So I decided to compare wisdom with foolishness and madness (for who can do this better than I, the king?).
Now later we will learn that there is no value in either of these; human intelligence (wisdom; living with little thought for the future & no spiritual mindedness); foolishness (with absolutely no regard for the future); and madness (total reckless abandon).
This outlook is empty and very dark, but at the end of the book the writer falls upon the gem yet for him to find. Just as a seller of jewels, places his finest gems in a black box in order to contrast the dark & the glorious gem. So the writer takes us on this journey in order to reveal the glory of his finest jewels.
Stay tuned for the revealing of the hidden jewels yet to be revealed.
So Go With God for He is preparing to reveal the wonder of all of His truths, through our lives. We have yet to enjoy all of His treasures in our lives, but hang on for they are unfathomable in our present day. However, they are yet coming to light.
Take a minute to go to You Tube & listen to the song "The wonder of it all" by George B. Shea & reflect on the thought that God loves you my dear one.
I think Pastor may have been hacked, will follow up. Dont scroll or read them.