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Last week I challenged you to find out which state has a town named after the radio show, "Truth or Consequences". Well that town is found in New Mexico. The town was originally named Hot Springs, N.M. because it was built over a spring in the Artesian Basin, in which many famous people still occasion today for its warmth & health benefits today. The people of this town of 6,000 residents voted to change the city's name due to a challenge made after the shows 10th year anniversary.

While were talking about unusual names for cities, what state is the home to the city named Whynot? Make your guess in this quandry.


Psalm 76:10-12 "Human defiance only enhances your glory, for you use it as a weapon. 11 Make vows to the Lord your God, and keep them. Let everyone bring tribute to the Awesome One. 12 For He breaks the pride of princes, and the kings of the earth fear him."

In this last section of Psalm 76 we see the Psalmist concludes this writings by declaring his recognition and the reasons for speaking of the greatness of God. Let's dig into this passage.

The first reason that he points out as to why we should lift our voices in praise to God, is that by mankind's defiance of God. In that action he is pointing out just how great is His glory. After all, if He (God) weren't great this rebel wouldn't count it worth his defiance. He would just ignore Him, but instead he speaks out in total defiance of His existence, which actually brings recognition to the extent of God's greatness.

Next he challenges us to not just proclaim our allegiance and dedication, but to also by our lives declare our testimony of our tribute (promise) of commitment to our "Awsome One." Isn't that really what baptism is declaring to the world about us? We are dedicate our lives to following Him with our whole life, our body & soul.

These vows of praise, sacrifice, and faithful living are refered to in a number of verses in the Bible. (Psalm 61:5,8; Psalm 66:13; Hebrews 13:15) These vows are similar to bringing a present to a king, president, or any other type of honored one.

However this gift is speaking of the ultimate gift of dedicating our life to the service of God for all of our lives. This type of sacrifice is refered to in Romans 12:1 "And so, dear brothers and sisters, I plead with you to give your bodies to God because of all He has done for you. Let them be a living and holy sacrifice--the kind He will find acceptable, This is truly the way to worship Him."

SO GO WITH GOD for His ultimate gift of His shed blood is worthy of our living in the light of His dedication, to demonstrate the extent of His many sacrifices for us. His being born a common human, living to declare to the world the extent of God's love for us, and then ultimately dying for the sins of all of. mankind, which includes us my dear child. "Great is His love"

Nov 05



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