Well in answer to the weight of the clouds floating overhead, believe it or not weighs 1.4 billion pounds. You may wonder what in it weighs so much? Well it is the water droplets and ice crystals that make up the cloud that makes it so heavy, as well as, the cooler denser clouds below them that keeps them afloat. It's hard to imagine the clouds being so heavy. Good attempt Lindsay, your guess was much heavier than I thought.
Psalm 10:11 "The wicked think, "God isn't watching us! He has closed His eyes and won't even see what we do!"
Unfortunately, due to the Lord not immediately punishing wrong, the wicked begin to believe they will get away with evil acts without any consequences. Ecclesiastes 8:11 states this, "When a crime is not punished quickly, people feel it is safe to do wrong." But verse 14 and 15 of this chapter prove that this sort of thinking is foolish.
This thought process that those who live without any real thoughts about God and His ultimate punishment that will come to those who have no regard for God's justice. This thinking is spoken of in the books of Isaiah, Micah, and Jeremiah.
These writings warn us all, of the mistake that is made when others confuse God's tendency to be longsuffering to His impotence, apathy, and worst of all to His approval.
Today we see many people confusing themselves with the consistent workings of God and the inconsistency of man's dealings due to the various legal agencies failure to keep short accounts. However, Romans 12:19 states. "Dearly beloved, avenge not yourselves, but rather give place to wrath: for it is written. Vengeance is mine; I will repay, saith the Lord."
These thoughts of the present day evil doer is confused with God's ultimate final punishment and that certainty of what Paul spoke of in this in Philemon 1:19 "I Paul, write this with my own hand. I will repay it. And won't mention that you owe me your very soul."
SO GO WITH GOD for His Spirit keeps short accounts in the life of His children, therefore, he isn't confused by the many varying world agencies and their failure to bring order to their lives. He is working in our very soul before we even consider ignoring His voice in our lives. Therefore, due to His daily working in our lives we are protected from the tendency of ignoring the consequences of the evil in our world.