Believe it or not, the popsicle was invented in 1905 by an 11 year old boy. Wow! By the way, Which president do you think once performed at the Grand Ole Opry? Richard Nixon; Bill Clinton; John F. Kennedy; Jimmy Carter make a guess & we'll fill out the answer tommorow.
Friday 8/11
Eccl. 3:3a "A time to kill and a time to heal."
This opposite is focused on two varying times for intervention.
First, When a murderer is brought to justice (Gen. 9:6) a human life is taken due to the intentional
act of murder; going to war against an enemy, or self-defense.
Secondly, When a human life is defended in an emergent effort at an ER, or some other immediate
Each of these interventions are times when we are called upon to assure justice is carried out. When you go to an ER there are medical experts there who are assigned with the task of determining the first most immediate need (triage) and the secondary necessity.
That is why when arriving at the hospital, the immediacy of your need for care is placed in an orderly
consideration for life support. In times of emergency this same practice is carried out.
As a young boy I was faced with that sort of concern, my cousin had fallen into a strip mine & due to the depth of the walls (30 feet, the cold 35 degrees) we had to chose whether to jump in to save our cousin. My one cousin Jeff chose to jump in, while I determined this would only result in my death & not his salvation, I must call out words of love & encouragement & then run for help. Unfortunately, that event has carried out in my dreams for many dark nights in the past.
My cousin's due to the cold water in the pit were immobilized and succumbed to this, the volunteer fire force, reached their sides much too late. They attempted resuscitation but we're unsuccessful. I remember my father trying to affirm the wisdom of my decision to run for help, but this decision haunted me for a long time.
This verse is the reality of life & death and the great importance of valuing both. Some of the men today roaming our streets, homeless, are still struggling with this issue. The loss of life of friends in the war. etc. I have encountered the depth of these men & their struggle with guilt, who have not yet come to grips with this challenge.
Life is a gift that we have each been given by God, and we must learn to value this gift. The tendency is to take it for granted, to always expect good health to be our ally. However, we are reminded that only God knows the proper time for our departure from this life. He gives & He takes away (1 Sam. 2:6)
So Go With God for Psa. 29:11 "The Lord gives his people strength. The Lord blesses them with peace." Oh my dear one, rest in His all knowing hand, for He cares for you. Whether it is best for us to be ushered into His loving presence or whether it is our place to be left to honor Him with our lives here on earth. He knows the role He has for us to share in. Rest in His care today.
Clinton on his sax.