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Pastor’s Corner

Public·41 members


What do you call an alligator in a vest? Well of course you call him an invest-i-gator. Ho ho!


Psalm 2:8,9 "Only ask, and I will give you the nations as your inheritance, the whole earth as your possession. You will break them with an iron rod and smash them like clay pots."

Here in these verses the Lord is reminding the king/leader/parent/boss, of His desire to give him an eternal inheritance. He is also reminding him that all of the nations and earth are held in His control. Then He also brings to our attention, that we as His children are given a special place of ownership in our world.

As His children we are promised a special role in His world, a special ability to request ownership and control of His belongings. Due to His power we are granted authority/control and oversight of other nations and even our world. Later in Psalm 110:2 God reiterates His promises to His people, "The Lord will extend your powerful kingdom, ... you will rule over your enemies."

By the way, iron here symbolizes strength, longevity, and value. Just think iron can be excavated from the earth, melted, and cast, and then when it is worn out or broken, can be melted again and then refashioned into a glorious image of beauty. The prophet Jeremiah reminded us of this possibility in Jeremiah 1:18. "For see, today I have made you strong, ... like an iron pillar ... You will stand against the whole land."

Sometimes, the evil one wants to convince us that we are powerless, weak, devalued, unimportant, but over and over our precious Savior reminds us that as His obedient, faithful children He makes our lives of great value in His sight and in the whole of His creation.

We must never lose sight of Him and His desire to fashion us in His image, but this is only possible as we surrender our lives before Him. As He begins this passage, "Only ask", we must not forget that it is only as we place ourselves within His control can He experience His working through us.

SO GO WITH GOD for then our lives, and purposes can be fully carried out. Bringing glory to our God, asking Him to empower us to accomplish His plans through us. He desires to bring great glory to our lives as we follow in His ways. The key is us asking Him to carry out His working through our lives. Oh my dear precious one, don't lose sight of His mission for your life, it is beyond all of our dreams, when we rest in Him.


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