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Pastor’s Corner

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Well I guess no one was interested in this trivia question. So the answer to last saturday's question was Which city was President John F. Kennedy assinated in? Well the correct answer was in Dallas.

Here's an easier one for a Monday, What is the tallest building in the U. S.? One Vanderbilt, Willis Tower, Central Park Tower, One World Trade Center? Check in tomorrow for the answer to this question.


Eccleastes 8:15 "So I commended enjoyment, because a man has nothing better under the sun than to eat, drink, and be merry; for this will remain with in his labor all the days of his life which God gives him under the sun."

Well this is no new thought as Solomon has spoken of these facts in Ecclesiastes 2:24, 3:12,13, 22, 5:18-20, and in several verses that we will run across in the future. The primary thought here is to enjoy the simple, common, joys in life. Don't let the normal troubles in life divert you from the many joys of flavor, and the feelings of human satisfaction.

Have you noticed how simple daily toil and the successful completion of those daily duties, can sometimes bring an enjoyment that understanding complex issues can't? While we do need to be concerned about spiritual, and eternal perspectives we should not allow those concerns to become all encompassing in our life. As the saying goes, we need to, "Stop and smell the roses."

While it is true that there is more to life than just what is under the sun, there however, are things that we should enjoy in our lives, that are under the sun. The various distinct flavors of food, yes, textures of even various liquids, (ice shakes, water, tea, etc. Stop and take the time to enjoy these various types of joys.

Don't forget to take time to enjoy the beauty and glory of the sky, clouds, sun and moon. Then at the same time joy in the ocean, and variety of life found in it. The barracuda swimming in the deep ocean water, as well as, the birds flying gracefully in the sky. They all come from the wonder of our Heavenly Fathers hands.

SO GO WITH GOD for loving and walking in peace with Him, brings to us the many gifts of enjoyment that await us in the simple factors of enjoyment. He made us in such a way that we can enjoy the complex issues of life and yet to enjoy the simple benefits of life.

A good hamburger at Inn N' Out, a cool chocalote shake at the DQ, a smooth candy made from Godiva, etc. etc. Just stop and enjoy the simple things in life, a soft fluffy pillow, smooth sheets under your body, just to name a few things. The soft skin of a baby, the laugh of that young child, the wonder of that learning child, Oh we could go on, but just stop and look around at the many joys that surround you.

Stop and take the time to just enjoy the song that Louis Armstrong made famous, "What A Wonderful World" Notice his closing words, "Oh ya" My dear one, You are part of that wonderful wonderful world, and I for one am thankful for who you are, and the fact that I have the privilege to enjoy you and the many blessings you leave in my life.

brenda x
brenda x
05 déc. 2023

One world trade center


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