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Well all of you that answered were wrong--The Torah has 6 basic subjects 1) Stories about events 3,000 years ago; 2) Abouit God and what He wants from us; 3) About human beings & the problem of human nature 4) The selection of a chosen people who were to obey and spread its teaching on the rest of humanity; 5) A book of 613 laws, meant to govern men the ways we should live; 6) Teaches wisdom; How good intetions benefit mankind.

Which actress has a street named after her in Monaco? Audrey Hepburn; Rita Hayworth; Grace Kelly; Meryl Streep?


Psalm 81:1-6 Sing praises to God, our strength. Sing to the God of Jacob. 2 Sing! Beat the tambourine. Play the sweet lyre and the harp. 3 Blow the rams horn at new moon, and again at full moon to call a festival! 4 For this is required by the decrees of Israel; it is a regulation of the God of Jacob. 5 He made it a law for Israel when He attacked Egypt to set us free. I heard an unknown voice say, 6 Now I will take the load from your shoulders; I will free your hands from their heavy tasks."

Isn't it funny what a great joy we give to God when we sing and willingly lift our voices in praise to Him. Just think, We, His created beings, are allowed us to chose to sing words of praise to our Almighty God. He joys in our desire to lift our hands and voices to Him. Not because we have no choice, (animal instinct) but because we yearn to lift ourselves to worship Him.

Notice in verse 3 the reference of "new moon" and "full moon". You may be asking just what is a

"new moon"? This festival takes place in the fall after harvest time, when we can recognize the fruit of our joint labor. God causing the miracle of birth given us in the soil, rain, and nutrition from the soil, and us in the planting, nurturing and harvesting.

You may wonder what is the "new moon" it is referenced several times throughout the scripture. It is when the moon appears in the sky as a mere sliver. NowI imagine you can from this, guess the meaning of the "full moon". Yes that's right it is the point in the middle of the month when the moon appears as a full circle. It was then that the Jews would celebrate God's great provision to them at the end of the growing season.

This feast day was the beginning of a New Year and was spoken on in Leviticus 23:23-25 where the people would set aside their days by complete rest, (no ordinary work) and gather at the temple for a day of commemoration, and to present special gifts to the Lord. Refered to here as the festival of Trumpets.

The next part of the celebration was found in Lev. 23:26-32 known as The Day of Atonement which was nine days after the festival of trumpets. This was a time of fasting and special gifts of sacrifices to God, and a time of purification, confession, and cleansing, from sundown the ninth day to sundown on the tenth day.

Then on the fifteenth day would be the festival of booths, camping out away from ythe common comforts of their house, for sven days. with special burnt offerings, grain offerings, and liquid offerings. These things were done to remind this generation and the next generation (children) of God's deliverance from slavery in Egypt.

These were a vital part of God's law that He laid down for all Jews to follow. Tomorrow we will look further in these verses.

SO GO WITH GOD my dear one. Lift your voices to give praise to Him our Savior and Lord. Notice what God's desire is for us. To "take the load from your shoulders; ... free your hands from their heavy tasks." Remember in our trivia of today how that the sixth basic instructions of the Torah was to teach us wisdom.

To remind us that good intentions bring tremendous benefit to all men, and that evil intentions produce harm and destruction to all of mankind. So God desires to "take the load that is brought upon us when mankind fails to follow after His wisdom.

23 de nov. de 2024

Princess of Monaco, Grace Kelly



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