Those who live in Missouri are called Missourian's.
Psalm 72:17-19 "May the king's name endure forever; may it continue as long as the sun shines. May all nations be blessed through Him and bring Him praise. Praise the Lord God, the God of Israel, who alone does such wonderful things. 19 Praise His glorious name forever! Let the whole earth be filled with His glory. Amen and Amen!"
This section of the chapter turns from the earthly king to the Heavenly King from whom the earthly king gains his strength. For the one name that will never let us down is Jesus' as ACTS 4:12 says "there is no other name under heaven by which men must be saved." Any other name or image that man may adopt will ultimately go out of style or end in disappointment. However, if we identify our trust as being founded in Jesus' we will forever be blessed, for His works endure forever.
His name will not only have an enduring influence in our life, but it will also have an enriching impact in our lives. Jesus spoke of this in John 16:24 "Ask that you might receive and that your joy might be made full".
Peter and John while on their way to the temple saw a man lame and in Jesus' name they called him to rise up and walk. He in faith stood and rose and leaped, and gave praise to the God of healing. The name of Jesus brings healing, walking, and praising to the lips of those people who place their trust in Jesus' name. It is an empowering name for sure.
Also on the day that Jesus comes again to rule and reign the whole earth, it will be filled with His glory. As the saying that begun our meditation today, "May the kings name endure forever;"
SO GO WITH GOD for He alone will bring an enduring influence on your life. Solomon writes this Psalm in order to speak loudly from history, that if we live under the shadow of His working in our hands, we will experience an influence that will last. "An Enduring Legacy."