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Pastor’s Corner

Public·39 members

Well happy Thursday and St Patrick’s day. Here’s just a little humor to lighten your day. Ready?? What did the chicken do when he saw a bucket of KFC chicken? Bet you guessed right Yes that’s right! He kicked the bucket.

Our meditation for today is Prov. 15:8,9 The sacrifice of the wicked is an abomination to the Lord, But the prayer of the upright is His delight. The way of the wicked is an abomination to the Lord, But He loves him who follows righteousness.”

Remember the word wicked is defined as those have no desire to know, follow, or learn of Gods ways. So when they try to do things, or try to appease God, not only is that a useless practice it is in fact offensive to Him. You may wonder why that is the case? Ezra 4:3 helps us understand why that is the case. That is true for two reasons 1) God doesn’t want unbelievers to be confused by thinking they can gain favor by their actions (salvation only come by our putting our trust in Christ’s payment for our sin and to believe otherwise would give them a false sense of right standing with God (forgiveness, salvation) 2) To act that way cheapens the grace & mercy of God that He gladly offers to all mankind.

So its not a matter of being unappreciative but rather out of concern for their soul and being tricked by Satan into thinking salvation is able to be earned or deserved. God means salvation

to be a free gift that all people can receive regardless of their station in life (rich, or poor, slave or free).

So Go With God and He will proclaim the grace of God free for all mankind through your desire to follow His ways.

Shirley McMahan
Shirley McMahan
Shirley McMahan
Mar 17, 2022

Love the fact that we come empty and He fills us up with what we need🙏



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