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This term "Uncle Sam" got its beginning during early times but began to be universal for the USA. in World War 1. Many are convinced that it was begun being used when Samuel Wilson a meat packer supplied rations for American soldiers and marked the boxes with U. S. Regardless of the beginning identification it took on the thinking of coming from Uncle Sam of the United States. Feel free Brenda to shed more light from your perspective.


Psalm 68:17-20 "Surrounded by unnumbered thousands of chariots, the Lord came from Mount Sinai into His sanctuary. 18 When you ascended to heights, you led a crowd of captives. You received gifts from the people, even from those who rebelled against you. Now the Lord will live among us there. 19 Praise the Lord; praise God our Savior! For each day He carries us in His arms. 20 Our God is a God who saves! The Sovereign Lord rescues us from death."

This section is remembering just how God delivered the nation of Israel time after time, whether from what appeared to be unnumbered chariots, He came to dwell in their place of sanctuary. (protection, blessing, salvation and compassion).

The end of verse 18 reminds each of us who we are as His children, "Now the Lord will live among us". He dwells among us as our "Lord" as our "Savior" as our "carrier" as the one who "rescues us from death."

When your load gets to heavy to bear, remember my child, He has promised us that He will carry you in His arms, He will rescue you from the enemy, no matter who or what is your foe. For He is "Your God who saves! The sovereign Lord" and He will faithfully rescue you when you rest in His All powerful, All Knowing arms, for "He lives among you there."

Though the enemy attempts to give the appearance that you are defeated, overcome, defenseless, and all is hopeless, you and your Savior are an undefeatable foe. Though the enemy appears to be beyond number your God has come to His (your) sanctuary, and "He will lead the crowd of captives" to freedom, victory, and blessings.

SO GO WITH GOD for He will carry you through this time that appears to be impossible, and He will uphold you in His arms, He will bring peace and rescue to your life, if you but walk in His ways.

For a little reminder of His desired place in our life, listen to this song on youtube "Oh my loving brother when the worlds on fire" sung by Cloverdale Bibleway. Our Heavenly Father wants to be that "Place of refuge for you." Won't you stop and let Him become that place of refuge, sanctuary for your life this very moment? He won't force His way into your struggles, but He will flow into your life with His power, love, and comfort, if you will but ask Him in. "Oh Lord come into our life this moment, we need your presence to be felt this very moment. Please envelope us today in your care."



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