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Pastor’s Corner

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Do you know where the idea of the dropping of the ball came from? Well it first came from a British sea captain, Robert Wauchope in 1829 in order to help keep his crew aware of the time, when it dropped to the surface of the deck it was midnight. Of course bells began to be used in local churches to help the local community keep time.

The ball drop was returned to use in Times Square, New York, when fireworks were outlawed due to the fire of Chicago. Of course we may ask just how many watch the NYC ball drop today, whether live or on TV? The number is over 1 billion. Wow, who knew?

Saturday 12/31

Prov. 26:23 “Smooth words may hide a wicked heart, just as a pretty glaze covers a clay pot.

This section of verses 23-28 deals with those who are base on the inside but attempt to appear gracious on the outside. They are really dishonest or deceitful but are adept at giving the appearance of kindness & tenderness. However, their true wickedness will be exposed eventually.

Jesus referred to this reality in two references:

Luke 11:39 cup clean on the outside but diseased on the inside

Matt. 23:27 white washed tomb pretty on the outside but rotten on the inside

Of course there was Judas the betrayer pretended love through a kiss

We see this same type of action today, giving the appearance of gracious, kind, compassionate concern, but is really controlled by anger, hate and evil. Satan the worlds father, has mastered this sort of conduct. He began this with Eve, oh, surely God didn’t say that. He didn’t allow you to eat this fruit because He was not wanting you to enjoy this pleasure (true wisdom).

Throughout the ages he, Satan, has used this very lie to trap man from real joy, concern, betterment. The Fathers word is “Don’t be fooled by kind, smooth words, for they encase hatred and destruction internally.”

So Go With God for His words are compassion and care through & through with no harm meant on the inside. His intent for us is genuine, full, and rich, workings, with blessings and joy in totality, not common, fragility, covered with a thin covering over lies and harm.


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