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Pastor’s Corner

Public·41 members

Well thank you all for your participation in the "Day the park" we fortunately had a cooler day & everyone enjoyed being together. Thanks for a great job Social Committee with all the details carefully planned out.

Be sure and thank Alex thanks for bringing the BarBQue & operating the grill that was a great help, and Sheldon thanks for bringing the easy ups & tables, etc. etc. We love you brother.

Thanks for all of your prayers together yesterday. We are glad for the good news on Joey's illness. We should continue to uphold his health & recovery in the coming days.

Well, back to the most popular ice cream flavor in the US. The findings were that 2.7% liked Strawberry, while 75.7% enjoyed Vanilla, and 0.2% chose Blueberry, and 21.5% of the folks liked Chocolate. I must say that my favorite is Chocolate, but my second is vanilla. So now we have the age old answer of which flavor to serve when having company to join in this desert.

Monday 7/10

Eccl. 1:11 "We don't remember what happened in the past, and in future generations, no one will remember what we are doing now."

Talk about a personalization of this fact, I had a rude awakening to this lesson. When going to the surgical procedure last Friday I was told to bring along phone, book, food as this could possibly take a while, depending how many layers were needed to be removed.

So I brought my ipad (book), coffee, phone, however, gladly my procedure only required one layer to be removed. As a result upon hearing that good news in my hurry to vacate, I forgot and left my ipad in the waiting room, so I had to return the next day to the security dept. to pick it up. Fortunately security had recovered the ipad so as a result here we are today. Living proof, of my forgetful tendency, but also diligent care of those in the team of people at Kaiser. Thanks for all your oversight Kaiser.

So as evidence of these statement; Do you remember who won the Super Bowl three years ago. or the Oscar for best actor that same year? I must admit I have not a clue. We can look back in the recording books or Wikopedia on the internet. These facts stand as the real tendency of our human condition. We are prone to be forgetful.

We are reminded of the importance of recording the past, present, as well as the future, for if we fail to keep good records we will be prone to repeat our same mistakes, or to lose direction in our present endeavors, and as a stark result, fail to keep a record of these important concerns. All of these concerns will result in losing our course.

Maps, signs, and history books, all play a vital role in our lives. All of these facts stand in stark contrast to our dail experience. Just these past few weeks we are reminded of their necessity in our lives: the submersible descending too quickly due to failure of hearing warning devices; as well as, a plane crash in Murietta due to fog banks and being improperly equipped with the proper navigating equipment. In both of these cases the result was, all of these lives being cut short.

In all of these cases, we are reminded by Solomon, the importance of spending proper diligence to recording data, for past, present and future to help us remain on course.

This verse reminds us of the importance of checking our life compass, the Bible, for past instructions on how best to be guided. As well as, accurate reading our spiritual instruments for the present course to take, and then of course the necessity of proper soundings of our future guidance. The Bible is our guide for faith & practice in a very confusing world.

There are many voices who are speaking, about these truths, the common result is much confusion, and even final destruction. We see this outcome all about us.

Without the safe & sane instruction of the scripture (God speaking to us) and prayer (our dependence on proper guidance by the Spirit). We will as a result, lose our proper course in life.

These three challenges, Our speed of forgetting; as well as our tendency of being forgotten by others, and of all importance, the ease of losing our course for our future plans. In a culture where there are so many choices. All of these issues must be in the forfront of our lives.

So Go With God for He alone can bring sanity & blessings to our lives. No other single person can be guided properly through the mazes of life. So my dear one hold onto His truths, He will never guide you into harm. While our emotion, our thinking, our experiences may bring us to confusion & destruction.

I still remember my dads advice, Son, Move slowly, keep your heart in check with God through His Word, His mind, and His Spirit. Moving too quickly can bring the greatest damage to your life. Take your time; No one will bring harm to their life by setting their course, checking out the potential results and then double checking the accuracy of their findings, before proceeding.

If you are at a cross roads take a minute listen to this song on -- You Tube "Jesus Never Fails". Trio GMT Haw Production. Then in the next moments listen to Him. He will never fail.

Jul 10, 2023

My daughter Tiffany knows a little more about the 6 passengers who died in the French Valleysmall plane crash. I am posting a prayer request there, so please read it there.


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