Way to go everybody you got those ancient says correct, Ha! Here are a couple of other ones.
Hung out to d__________; This is one Bcky's dad would say to our kids, Your cruisin' for a b____________.
Psalm 2:11,12 "Serve the Lord with reverent fear, and rejoice with trembling. Submit to God's royal Son, or He will become angry, and you will be destroyed in the midst of all your activities--for His anger flares up in an instant. But what joy for all who take refuge in Him."
In these verses we are reminded of the attitude that we are to live out if we are to enjoy life to its fullest.
Anxiously serve the Lord, not out of fear but out of reverence (trust and confidence)
Rejoice with expectation, (expectancy)
Submit to God's instruction and you will experience the blessings and benefits of His wisdom
Remember the consequence of rebellion and disobedience which is loss and harm
If we rest in His instruction and guidance we will find a place of refuge and joyfulness
Each day of our lives we are given the choices of being guided by our enemy (Satan) or by our Father (God). Our enemy wants to destroy and bring harm to us, our children, and all who surround our lives. While our gracious Heavenly Father desires to pour out blessings and rejoicing. However, whatever we experience in our life is based on our daily decisions.
The choice is ours, we can enjoy our Father's blessings and favor or we can experience the worlds consequences. As we go through the book of Judges we see recorded these very truths. When Israel was walking in the light of God's leading, they were experiencing these promises. However, when they were fooled into living by the enemy's plans; slavery, struggle. harm, and loss, followed. Their life was filled with sorrow and loss.
As a young boy I remember distinctly this comparison. I remember dad calling a family meeting. We were in our early childhood, all in grade school. Dad read a story from Joshua 1:8 of God's promise. "This book of the Law shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall meditate in it day and night, that you may observe to do according to all that is written in it, For then you will make your way prosperous, and then you will have good success."
He confessed his weakness of watching TV into his evenings, and failing to lead us in the study of the Bible, so he and mom had decided to return the TV to the store, and instead buy a piano, and give us lessons on it. Then also to each night have family devotions, and give us resources that would help us hear and speak of the Bible. Each morning before school, mom would read a story from the Bible and we would briefly talk about it. Dad and Mom would decide which story we were to read the night before. (we heard them discussing this from our bedroom)
Our bedrooms was above the bathroom and their bedroom so we would hear them discuss what story we needed to hear about. In the summer we would each afternoon take a nap and they would play stories from the Bible for us to fall asleep to.
Each evening during family devotions, except church night we would snack on something we had chosen, each night one of us kids would chose our snack delight. This was thinking about a variety of subjects from the Bible, as we got older we were given the priviledge to chose one of the topics from the Bible from oldest child to youngest, usually Friday night. If neighbor kids wanted too they could join us.
In the summer time we would have Kids club on Tuesday afternoon, and sit outside under the shade tree, usually on a blanket, and play games, share a joke, story, experience and then share a Bible story. Then we would eat a homade pop sickle (like otter pops). Mom would check out a record each week, from the library for us (by that I mean usually all the neighbor kids)to listen too. Sometime during the early evening.
Our home was the community center, where kids were the center stage for fun and stories, and games. Early evening we played Spud, or some other game until dark, then we said our goodbyes and then off to a bath and bed. Our two bedrooms; boys and girls were across the hall so we would many times talk together till falling to sleep.
Sorry for getting caught off track, on our family childhood.
SO GO WITH GOD my dear one, for He has a multitude of truths recorded in his Word, and when we read, meditate, and follow after them, they change our lives, friendships, and even our purposes. Best of all they slowly change the course of our lives, and shower our lives with His many rich blessings.
If you have time listen to the song on You Tube. Choose life-Big tent revival
Dry and bruisin'....Daddy would also say, "Simmer down, clown!"