Way to go Lindsay & Becky you won the trivia question Saturday. The Heinz company has 57 varieties of products. By the way the company is located in Pittsburg, Pennsylvania.
Here is a life shattering bit of information; Haw far can a cockroach travel in one hour? 8 miles; 500 feet; 1 mile; or 3 miles? Does the question make you a little sckittish?
Psalm 63:6-11 "I lie awake thinking of you, meditating on you through the night. 7 Because you are my helper, I sing for joy in the shadow of your wings. 8 I cling to you; your strong right hand holds me securely. 9 But those plotting to destroy me will come to ruin. They will go down into the depths of the earth. 10 They will die by the sword and become the food of jackals. 11 But the king will rejoice in God. All who swear to tell the truth will praise him, while liars will be silenced.
In this section of scripture David is comforted by remembering how he is held secure in God's right hand of protection. Then he is reminded by the fact that God will protect him if he will but cling to Him.
Finally he is is reminded of the extent of God's protective working, "they will come to ruin".
Then in verse 11 David is reminded of just how each leader (king) will be honored "the king will rejoice" and protected, and also how those who uphold truth will be blessed. Finally just how those who attempt to tell lies in order to bring harm to the leader will be "silenced".
These truths are especially important in a culture that seems bent on destruction while those who strive to lead in integrity must craw near to their great protector of truth. For God promises that liars will not prevail, but rather will ultimately face harm. There seems to be many varying voices talking about misinformation, however, we can stand confidently knowing that God's truth will win out.
Even in David's day there were those who were intent on sewing these words of untruth, but we are reminded that God is our helper and protector in times of challenge. Verse 7 remind us that when we draw near to our God He will protect us, and will even bring to our mind "songs of joy".
This year two doves made our patio their birthing station. They brought twigs, soft grass and prepared the nest, then the mother layed her eggs in the nest. Once this feat was accomplished each of them would take turns keeping their treasure warm. For what seemed months but really a few days the would take turns caring for the eggs.
Then we noticed that the eggs hatched, for we noticed the egg shells were moved out of the nest. Then for several weeks the parent would place the babies under the protective protection of their wings. After a few weeks during the day they would allow the babies to be outside of their wings but immediately next to them.
Next the parent would coo their parenting sounds to their babies and the other parent would join in the care. They would trade places in order to find food and exercise, while protecting their young hatchlings who had just experienced flight.
Once the babies were nearing time to begin their flying, the parents would perch near by to babysit their young. They would swoop in to feed, and bring warmth to their young at night, and bring them into the shadow of their wings.
In this Psalm the Father reminds us of His care for us.
SO GO WITH GOD for He cares for you today and everyday.
3 miles