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Pastor’s Corner

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Well I guess there were no other cereal mascots that stood out to you all. Ha!

Here's a challenge to your vocabulary. What does "ergaphobia" mean? Does it mean; Love of reading; Desire to travel; Joy of cooking; or. Fear of work? Well make your guess on this one.


Psalm 57:1-3 "Have mercy on me, O God, have mercy! I look to you for protection. I will hide beneath the shadow of your wings until the danger passes by. 2 I cry out to God Most High, to God who will fulfill His purpose for me. 3 He will send help from heaven to rescue me, disgracing those who hound me. My God will send forth His unfailing love and faithfulness."

David during this time was running from Saul and his army, I am sure that this was a hard time, and a time of confusion. Flash back only a few years, here was David as a young man who was herding his families sheep, writing songs, playing his harp and flute to calm the sheep. He was protecting the young yearlings from the dangers of the countryside.

His father decided one day to send David to visit his brothers, and sons who were defending the nation against the neighboring kingdom, the Philitines from invasion. His father sent him with fresh fruit, bread, cheeses, honey, etc. from home to encourage his brothers and to assure them of their prayer support.

It was upon this visit that David was exposed to the enemy that his brothers faced, and the enemy's disdain for Israel and his God. This brought indignation to David for these foreign enemies who had the odasity to stand and mock the army of the living God. He spoke with courage and authority for he had experienced this sort of attack by lions, bears, wolves attempting to destroy the sheep he was protecting for his family.

His courage brought indignation from his older brothers, but the Jewish generals in the army were told of David and his courage. Soon during his visit with his brothers he was asked to speak to the leaders of the army. They saw in this young man courage and faith in God for strength to go against even the giant of Philistia. Before even realizing he was sent out before this great giant to speak out against these enemies, and especially Goliath. In his youthful faith and courage David used the tools that had protected him in the past, his trust in God and his sling.

Before he could even think about the ramifications of this endeavor, he was sent out to face this great ten foot giant, but his confidence was in God, just as in these verses. "I look to you for protection". "I will hide beneath the shadow of your wings until the danger passes by.

Now, flash forward a few years he now is facing the anger, jealousy, and angst of Saul and his army. What was it that had brought the conflict? It was his continuous trust in God no matter what came up. This constant trust and faith in God brought forth Saul's anger towards him. Saul was striving to take away this constant trust and faith in God that were the source of his confidence.

What was David's answer to this attack? "Have mercy on me, O God, ... I cry out to My God Most High, to God who will fulfill His purpose for me." In life our enemies who are striving to chase us down, and even strive to diminish our faith in God, maybe even trying to bring harm upon us.

We must remember, though, that the enemy is chasing after us, attempting to bring harm to us and all of those who join them, by treating you cruelly or unfairly. We must not forget, these very ones are anointed by God to work out His purposes in our life. To make us into people of character, and confidence in our Faithful God.

If we retaliate and strike back with hurtful words and mean, angry works, rather than growing into people of strength we fall into the pattern of faithlessness, and human force. We forget that just like Saul and his armies were removed in time from David's life.

In the same way, these troubles and struggles are the very instruments we need in our lives to fashion us into those kingdom children. Those people who have learned this most important truth, "My God will send forth his unfailing love and faithfulness"

Our words are only as powerful as our trust is in Him in our life is. Stand strong as David did when facing overwhelming forces. He stood confident in the fact of His promises "God will fulfill His purposes for me."

SO GO WITH GOD my dear child of God, for He has the future in mind for you, "He will send help from heaven to rescue me, disgracing those who hound me." He is sending into your life "His unfailing love and faithfulness." Stand confident in His promises, for that action will bring strength to those who are surrounding your life.

Your family, your business associates, your fellow believers, He will carry you through. as the words of the song say it, "Oh my loving brother. when the worlds on fire, in the rock of ages, cleft for you.

Then as this Psalm says,"He will send help from heaven...along with His unfailing love and faithfulness." Yes, even in this day and harsh times, He will carry you through. "He will hide you beneath the shadow of His wings untill the danger passes by."

Lindsay Winterton
Lindsay Winterton
Sep 17, 2024

Fear of work


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