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Pastor’s Corner

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Which is the oldest U.S. newspaper still in continuous circulation? Good guess everyone, The Hartford Courant paper is the oldest paper, which began circulation just before our American independence was won. They continue to provide, local, national, as well as, international news still today.

By the way; Which U.S. state is home to the country's largest cattle ranch? Oklahoma; Texas; Utah; Alabama? Make your guess!


Psalm 39:12,13 "Hear my prayer, O Lord! Listen to my cries for help! Don't ignore my tears. For I am your guest--a traveler passing through, as my ancestors were before me. 13 Leave me alone so I can smile again before I am gone and exist no more."

Have you ever felt like verse 12 describes it? "a guest--a traveler passing through" Have you ever been so hard hit by the enemies attacks, so much so, that you feel alone, like your traveling through this harsh, hurtful life, being hit by the evil one so much that you feel like a stranger in a harsh terrain?

Have you ever faced such constant hardship in your life that you are unable to determine where these hurtful, personal attacks are coming from? Are they from God as punishment, or are they being hurled at me from Satan?

They are so overwhelming that you want all of these attacks to be halted. You even want to just crawl into a silent cave and curl up in the silence and solace that you are sure will be there. Your sure that this must be the end of life, for it can't get any worse. Being alone is better than any company that is judging, hurtful, or harsh.

David is praying, "Before I die, Lord, restore me once again." You may be asking, Does the Lord answer? Well tomorrow we will see the Lord's gracious answer. You can peek ahead if you need to.

SO GO WITH GOD my dear battered soldier. Sometimes, we feel that way, Don't we? However, as verse 3 of chapter 40 says, "He has given me a new song to sing,". Oh my dear one, when we feel like all is lost, there is no hope, we may as well give up. If we will but cry out to God, He will come to us, He will hear us and share in our struggles.

Then He will insert in our heart a brand new song, one of solace, strength, yes, even one of amazing proportion. Draw near to Him, cry out your words of despair, He won't reject your feelings of defeat, no, He will gather you into His arms of peace, and assure you of the victory that will be yours tomorrow and in the coming days.

Satan strives to make us feel like David describes in 39:12 "a guest, a traveler just passing through" but let me say to you my down trodden soldier. He will render comfort, protection, and strength if you will but, STOP, LISTEN, and then LISTEN to His eternal promises.

We must speak as the writer did in verse 12, "Hear my prayer, O, Lord". Come to the house of the Lord, for then He will draw near to you, and give you rest, comfort, and peace. Your pain is not new, or one that only you have struggled with. No, the saints of the past have faced them too. Rest in His Almighty arms my dear one, draw to His family, the saints, you can cry out to the Lord and His children, for many of them have suffered this same battle, and can share the solace that only God can give.

Stop my dear one and LISTEN to this song on YouTube by Russ Taff-Praise the Lord, then LOOK into His words of strength, courage, and blessings.

Lindsay Winterton
brenda x
brenda x
Jul 26




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