Well, Howdy, my friends, Brenda you were right, the Hummingbird is the smallest birds, however, they are amazing not only because they are the smallest of birds, but also for many other reasons. For instance, they are the only bird that can hover, they also can see more colors than we humans are able to decipher, and they also can flap their wings more than 80 times per second. I will fill you in on more unique characteristics tomorrow. By the way see how many times you can flap your arms in a second.
By the way; Do you know why the chocolate chip cookie went to the doctor? Well, you guessed it; It's because he was feeling a little crumby. Yeah, you bet. Be sure to pray for John today, he is feeling a little crumby, also pray for his visit with the specialist tomorrow.
Tuesday 4/11
Prov. 29:25 "Fearing people is a dangerous trap, but trusting the Lord means safety."
Trusting human power, is trusting temporary security, while trusting Yahweh is a lasting security.
Dr. Luke referred to this truth in Luke 12:4 "Dear friends, don't be afraid of those who want to kill your body; they cannot do any more to you after that." Isn't it fascinating that the Spirit had a medical doctor speak to this issue. This by the way was one of the qualities that caused the disciples message to be the words that revolutionized the world. They were unafraid of any force in their world, even death. They came to a full understanding of this sage advice, "fear only God, for He is the essence of true safety".
Today we look about us and are witnessing weak people silencing others who have been recognized as wise intellectuals. Who would have thought it possible; that a few law students would be able to silence a federal judge in an "institution of higher learning"? That a disillusioned child could strike fear in a group of doctors, as to which gender they were? That a violent group of people could loot, steal, destroy a powerful company into bankruptcy?
In an upside down world we must stand strong in God's promises. Psa. 147:6 "The Lord supports the humble, but He brings the wicked down into the dust."
Don't allow yourself to be dismayed by the evil forces of our day. Remember, Mary and her song of praise about God in Luke 1:46-55. "For the Mighty One has ... done great things ... tremendous things ... scattered the proud & haughty ones ... for He has made this promise to Abraham, and his children forever." We; you and me are His children, so don't fear weak, godless men, for they are but straw, in His hands.
Remember "Fearing people is a dangerous trap" they appear to be all powerful, but they are actually a weak, needy people. "Trust the Lord for He is the very force of safety."
The temptation of our day is to give into human pressure, to remain silent, in the middle of a bunch of powerless, weak voices. William Gurnal said "We fear man so much, because we fear God so little."
Remember, Prov. 18:10 The name of the Lord is a strong fortress, the godly run to Him and are safe."
Let's determine to only be "Concerned about what He is thinking."
So Go With God for He is "the foundation of true wisdom" Psa. 111:10. In our day there are many voices who appear to be powerful, impregnible, but in comparison to Him who lives in us, is weak, foolish, short sighted. Be strong in Him for His very name speaks SAFETY."
Thank You Pastor