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Good guess everyone, but Maple is the most common species of tree used for making baseball bats? It is used on 80% of the bats in Major League play today. It is dense and has great shock resistant properties along with fairly light quality which makes the players able to swing freely.

Who was the youngest president in U.S. history? Bill Clinton; Barack Obama; Thomas Jefferson; Theodore Roosevelt?


Psalm 94:1-7 "O Lord, the God of vengence, O God of vengence, let your glorious justice shine forth! 2 Arise, O judge of the earth. Give the proud what they deserve. 3 How long, O Lord? How long will the wicked be allowed to gloat? 4 How long will they speak with arrogance? How long will these evil people boast? 5 They crush your people, Lord, hurting those you claim as your own. 6 They kill widows and foreigners and murder orphans. 7 "The Lord isn't looking, " they say, "and besides, the God of Israel doesn't care."

This first section points out some of the attitudes that mankind seems to have that offends God:

Prideful individuals who are undeserving of mercy

Those who are arrogant and gloat over their personal importance

The person who feels no sorrow when they bring harm to the innocent

Worse yet, they joy over taking the lives of widows, foreigners, and even worse yet they murder

defenseless orphans

The greatest offense to God is that they believe that He doesn't care for all mankind who He created

As we look about us today, we see many people who have sunken into thinking that God has no compassion on anyone who He (God) has had a part in their creation. The devil joys in those who have sunken into this level of thinking. Can you imagine for a moment that the God of the universe is uncaring towards any of His children?

In fact tomorrow we will see just how He looks onto us in verse 14.

Here in this passage God strives to open our eyes into just what attitude we must steer away from when it comes to our thoughts towards others. Can you list some of these ways of thinking?

Do you see the suppression of mercy towards other?

Or the thought that they have greater value than others in their lives?

Maybe the developing of an absence of compassion for others who are in need of concern?

Now as part of your meditation today why not add other thoughts that we should determine to develop in our inner being.

SO GO WITH GOD and why not determine to develop a spirit of concern for others who are many times neglected in our culture. Those who have lost their ability to reason, or care for themselves properly, etc. This passage is striving to help us focus on life in the ways that God does. Why not look about you today, and pick out one person who appears to be in need of someone expressing their care towards them? Then think of some way that you can shower your love on them?

Remember, the LORD cares about you today, He is looking for ways to share that with you. I have found personally the best way that I can experience His expression of love for me is to turn and shower my love on others in my life.

Yesterday I went to the store and right in front of me was a little boy who attends our Good News Club, he didn't recognize me out of my GNC shirt. So I spoke to him and his mother with the words Happy New Year. They both were happy that I greeted them with cheer, and warmth. I told his mother what a joy Mateo is in our club, he always has a smile on his face, and is thoughtful in many ways. She was so pleased to hear these words.

Why not look about you and ask our Saviour to bring someone who is feeling unwanted for a way to express His care for them through you? Be creative, you might just be overflowed with God's love for you through that simple deed..

Jan 01




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