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Pastor’s Corner

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The comedy routine that made Abbott. & Costello famous was "Who's on first". You got it right.

Here is a great statement: "Coiurage is the most important of all virtues because without courage, you can't practice any other virtue consistently." Maya Angelou


Psalm 45:1-7 "Beautiful words stir my heart. I will recite a lovely poem about the king, for my tongue is like a pen of a skillful poet. 2 You are the most handsome of all. Gracious words stream from your lips. God himself has blessed you forever. 3 Put on your sword, O mighty warrior! You are glorious, so majestic! 4 In your majesty, ride out to victory, defending truth, humility, and justice. Go forth to perform awe--inspiring deeds! 5 Your arrows are sharp, piercing your enemies' hearts. The nations fall beneath your feet. 6 Your throne, O God, endures forever and ever. You rule with a scepter of justice. 7 You love justice and hate evil. Therefore God, your God, has anointed you, pouring out the oil of joy on your more than anyone else."

Have you ever wondered just what are the qualities that bring the greatest glory to God? How can I honor the Lord the most through my life? In the way that I speak, live and act? What are the greatest qualities that lift up the greatness of our God?

Well this Psalm gives us the best demonstration of the desires that our Heavenly Father yearns for us to live out. Verse 1 starts with reminding us of the value that He places on the words that we share about His working in our life to others. "I will recite a lovely poem about the King."

Next verse 2 tells us the most honorable, beautiful expressions we can make to our world. "Gracious words stream from our lips". He desires for us to let these words of graciousness to be continually outpouring to our world.

Have you noticed just how infectious a simple joyous smile is to those in your presence? Don't believe me, next time you step into an elevator in a public place, just break out with a powerful smile, and see just how long it takes to spread. Then top it off by wishing those who step out by saying, "Have a blessed day." Those actions will bring this easy demonstration to your small elevator world.

We may ask after ourselves; What do gracious words sound like? Then the next few phrases demonstrate just what are the words that demonstrate His grace? To speak of the Lord's glory, and majesty. are the sort of words that He desires for us to speak. Just what sort of language can best proclaim the greatness of Him in our world?

Then Verse 4 lays out the kind of words that best demonstrate His glory. Words that "defend truth", words that best evidence "humility" and lastly actions that perform "justice". Finally, we are reminded that only after living, speaking, and responding in these ways can our deeds be seen so that His glory is best seen.

In other words, God desires for our conversations and actions be seen as truthful, but at the same time humble while also at the same time upholding justice to all mankind.

Have you ever thought about the slick salesman who starts by speaking complimentary words to you, as you enter his domain? He usually begins by pointing out some quality that he notices is evidently prominent? You know, a new shirt, special shoes, hat, cologne, etc. Then he directs your attention to his product that he then attempts to show you why you truly need to purchase.

Unlike the salesman, Our God, simply holds forth truth, humility, and justice because He knows the natural result is this truth, humility, and justice will naturally graciously bring fulfillment to our lives. This in turn ends up bringing joy to us which in turn is poured out onto our lives, and then as a result of this joy being in our life we then pour out His joy to all that we come into contact with.

SO GO WITH GOD for He alone is the author of all of these qualities in our world. Then as a result of His joy being active in our lives then this naturally overflows into our world.

When I was delivering cookies to convenience stores in central California, I would tell the clerks to only bake one dozen cookies at a time, because when customers would enter the store to pay for gas, or purchase something. The odor of fresh baked cookies would bring forward the desire to buy one or more, usually more. The stores that took my advice and placed the oven behind them and baked only a dozen at a time, would increase their sales of cookies by 100%.

In the same way, JOY is contagious and it is best declared to our world by us unashamedly being proven by our truthfulness, humility, and just dealings. Our Father will never fail in bringing joy to our lives when we uphold these daily qualities. "God himself will bless you forever.... pouring the oil of joy on you more than anyone else." Try it I promise, you'll like it.


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