Good morning friends; Can you guess which month that the sun is closest to the earth? Is it January; February; December; or June? ________________. Why not make your guess and I’ll tell you tomorrow.
Friday 12/2
Prov. 25:26 “If the godly give in to the wicked, it’s like polluting a fountain or muddying a spring.”
Though these last few years have been trying years many American believers have held out for their godly principles. The greatest principle of all is the value of life. Throughout the Biblical order life is the one eternal concept that God has placed value on throughout the ages.
In its historical records those people who sacrificed babies, were the societies who were punished to the greatest extent, and when Israel, God’s chosen people, bowed their ways to this extent, they found themselves in bondage, figuratively & ultimately, literally.
I am encouraged that Christian doctors held up against the federal government in refusing to allow themselves to be forced to abort babies against their personal consciences. Of even greater consequence is that our government agencies didn’t appeal the ruling by the Superior court when they allowed them to follow after their consciences, by refusing to abort babies. They could have appealed to our Supreme Court but they decided against that measure, probably due to the Dodd ruling earlier this year.
In a world where it appears that little value is given to the life of a baby, a few men of conscience have stood the test and held onto our Christian culture, in favor of honoring life, that has been given by God.
This struggle of the godly, over those who choose to place of convenience over responsibility stood the test. The results of remaining pure to their convictions being upholding the Biblical truth of God’s reign over life & death. This value of recognizing Gods role in man’s world is a vital position for doctors to stand strong in. For by taking this stand, they have refused to allow the fountain of life to be polluted.
As a boy one of my jobs was to draw water from the spring, and later from the well for drinking & cooking. I learned the importance of putting the bucket in upstream to keep the silt, fine sediment, from getting in the water. I also learned the trick of in the summer putting a rock in the bucket & then lowering the bucket which resulted in getting the cooler water deeper in the well. My present from bringing the water was a ladle of water poured on my back to cool me down, in those hot sultry, humid days of Missouri.
Oh, how refreshing was the taste of cool spring water, and the cool air in the small cavern of that spring. This was A.C before air conditioning, ha.
As we stand for God’s role over our world, we must see these positions as more than mere traditions, or narrowness, or old fashioned opinions, no, they are the refusal to allow the very source of life, pure, untainted water, from being polluted and as a result bringing sickness on all mankind.
The concept of man drawing his water from deep in the ground, or wells, God’s filtering force, resulted in mankind living healthier & longer. In Africa today man using streams & lakes for their source of drinking & cleansing result in shorter life span, due to natural pollution. (Illness and disease)
So also moral pollution brings harm & loss to millions in our world.
So Go With God He will protect you from falling into the destructive thinking & living of a polluted & corrupted world. Remember, …” that you may live long on the earth.”
For evil to rule, the righteous just need to do nothing. And silence is perceived as assent.