Don't feel bad because I guessed this one wrong myself: The kangaroo is the animal that is predominantly left-handed. They are left handed in feeding, grooming, yes and even in defensive boxing.
Here's one of those facts that I had never thought about, though I had seen it many times. Which color appears at the top of the rainbow? Red; Blue; Green; Yellow, make your guess.
Psalm 89:1-6 "I will sing of the Lord's unfailing love forever! Young and old will hear of your faithfulness. 2 Your unfaling love will last forever. Your faithfulness is as enduring as the heavens. 3 The Lord said, "I have made a covenant with David, my chosen servant. I have sworn this oath to Him: 4 I will establish your descendants as kings forever; they will sit on your throne from now until eternity." 5 All heaven will praise your great wonders, Lord; myriads of angels will praise your for your faithfulness. 6 For who in all of heaven can compare with the Lord? what mightiest angel is anything like the Lord?"
As a little background to this Psalm, we need to remember that after David brought the ark of the covenant into Jerusalem and placed it in the Tabernacle he appointed three men to lead their families to guide the choir, and direct the praise. They were Asaph, Herman, and Ethan. We find this in 1 Chronicles 15:17 we won't know about them being named until two-thirds through this Psalm, because first, he's compelled to bring praise and also compelled to lift his voice in prayer.
Now to the primary message spoken in this first section. The first part that is emphasized is, "Mercy will endure forever, Your faithfulness is established eternally." By the way Ethan's name meant "Steady", up to this appointment but was changed to Jeduthun, or "the Lord is steady." in 1 Chronicles 15:19; 25:1.
God's quality of steadiness is proven throughout the Bible, in fact James speaks of this quality displayed by God in James 1:17 "Whatever is good and perfect (meaning constant) is a gift coming down to us from God our Father, who created all the lights in the heavens, He never changes or casts a shifting shadow."
Notice the Lord's response to Ethan's first few verses of praise and honor are followed up by God in verse 3,4. "I have made a covenant with David, ... I have sworn this oath to him; I will establish your descendants as kings forever."
Have you noticed this fact that just as Ethan continued to offer his songs of praise and adoration in the middle of the nations harships and difficulties, (Psalm 88) so also are mature believers prone to display these songs of praise. Rather than whining and complaining, murmuring, and griping during hard times they focus their communication towards God in proclaiming how God has continuously brought blessing and benefit to their lives.
As I look about this present generation I see this very thing. Many times those believers who have either lost sight of God's working in their lives, or are prone to complaining, and expressing their discontent towards God, while at the same time those who are moving towards growth and movement to spiritual thinking are prone to be proclaing and describing the faithfulness of God in their lives.
SO GO WITH GOD and begin filling your speech with praise towards God, thanksgiving to Him, remembering His many. many blessings that He has showered on your life. As James says, "good and perfect gifts coming down to us... all the lights of the heavens." These works that we enjoy each day, the sun and the moon, are reminders of His faithfulness. We never have black outs in the heavens. "He never changes or casts a shifting (unfaithful) shadow. As the song goes, "Praise the name of Jesus He's our rock, He's our fortress, He's our deliverer, in Him will I trust."