Well this was a surprise to me, Ergophobia is a medical term for "Fear of work". How was that term developed, you may be asking? Well this term is derived fron the greek word "ergon" meaning work and "phobia" meaning fear of. So in todays culture when you are overwhelmed with the necessity of work you can say, "I suffer from ergophobia so am unable to comply with this requirement". Sound familiar?
Here's another question for you today. Which state is known for having no sales tax? New Hampshire; South Dakota; Hawaii; or Massachusetts? Make your guess.
Psalm 57:7-11 "My heart is confident in you, O God; my heart is confident. No wonder I can sing your praises! 8 Wake up, my heart! Wake up, O lyre and harp! I will wake the dawn with my song. 9 I will thank you, Lord, among all the people. I will sing your praises among the nations. 10 For your unfailing love is high as the heavens, Your faithfulness reaches to the clouds. 11 Be exalted, O God, above the highest heavens. May your glory shine over all the earth."
David begins this section of verses by telling everyone just why he is committed to telling all the people who come into his life he is determined or steadfast to speak of his trust in God.
Verse 7 starts off by telling us why he and then why we should stand as a permanent reminder to our world of this one thing, "I am confident in you, Oh God; my heart is confident." He is telling us that God's steadfastness is not just a feeling for today, but is in fact a permanent, commitment. Then as a result he can't stop telling of His praises to others of His trustworthy ways to His children.
Verse 8 tells us of how he began his first thought by singing his praises to God. In other words, his praise wasn't an after thought, or just something to fill time, NO, it was his very first thought. This praise began his very first action in the day. He awoke with thankfulness to God and he ended his day by speaking of his appreciation for God's working in His life that day.
Verse 9 assures God that he, David was not going to fail in giving thanks for His influence in his life. In fact he was going to constantly be sharing his thankfulness wherever he went. Never would he fail to lift up his praise to others for God's influence in his life.
Verse 10 tells of the extent of God's love for all of His creation, from the depths of the ocean floor to the highest heaven. His love is borne out by the faithful way that he governs the earth. The stars, sun, moon, and clouds (even the rainfall, and shade that they cast on all beings) declare the extent of His love for everything and everone.
Verse 11 David then finishes his thoughts for us to be reminded of. We should be so overjoyed with His care for us so much that we desire above all things, to express to everyone our most glorious words to exalt Him. In order that all of His creation would shine in the greatest glory "over all the earth."
I remember one time that we set out to mistakenly mow down the fescue (for non-farmers the high quality feed for cows & horses) crop of three farmers without considering the weather pattern. We had to let this dry before baling and moving to the barn. In the early morning the sun was up and the air was perfect for drying the crop. However, soon a cloud cover began to build and keep the fescue from drying. This was serious because a moldy crop can make the cattle sick.
I remember all of the crew stopped cutting the crop and began to pray for the weather to hold so the grain could dry. Once it was dry we then would willow the grain into a furrow and then with a combine bale the fescue. The test was once we had baled up the first bale we then would weigh it. If it was dry enough a bale would at the most weigh a hundred pounds, any heavier was a sign not being dry enough, therefore would begin molding while in storage.
We gathered around when the first bale was gathered and weighed, the Lord was faithful and we found the bale to weigh 98lbs. We halted to thank the LORD for His helping us as we sought to provide for His herd. That year that part of the crop was the best section of fescue in the barn.
SO GO WITH GOD my precious saint, and begin your first conscious thought in your day in praise to our caring Heavenly Father. This section gives us a clear direction in just how to live out our day. Begin with thanksgiving, then speak out to God of some way that He has ministered to you. Then remind Him of your knowledge of His constant love and faithfulness that he continually showers on your life. Then ask Him to assist you (bring to your memory) ways that in your endeavors of how you best can tell others, just how He has showered you with His loving influence in your life.
Remember the words of Romans 11:33 "Oh, how great are God's riches and wisdom and knowledge! How impossible it is for us to understand His decisions and His ways! For who can know the Lord's thoughts? Who knows enough to give Him advice? ... All glory to Him forever! Amen."
South Dakota