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Pastor’s Corner

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It’s Saturday the national getting catch up day. Ha! By the way when Becky was making cookies with the grandchildren yesterday I wondered onto a question.

Where does cinnamon come from and mounting my trusty computer found out that cinnamon comes from the curled, dried up bark of the cinnamon tree. Wow! Who knew???

Can you guess how tall these trees grow to? The maximum is 49 feet tall. Can you believe that Cinnabon uses 240,300 lbs of cinnamon every year? Well so much for that quandary.

Our meditation for today comes from Prov. 20:30 “Physical punishment cleanses away evil; such discipline purifies the heart.”

After careful study of the scripture regarding physical punishment. Then wandering into historical study of the Jewish culture it is convincing that this isn’t just speaking of spanking as a form of discipline.

There seems to be many forms of such discipline spoken of in the Bible.

Time out - separation from

family activity & fun

(My daughter Lindsay wisely

calls this a listening break)

Loss of privileges - maybe

dessert, or other immediate

enjoyable activity

Lose of allowance - positive

reward such as weekly

monetary rewards (money,

recognition, honor, etc.)

Physical punishment - the last

resort swat on the behind, or

other corporal forms of


These are just a few of the many forms of discipline, but the primary lesson passed on here is it’s necessity.

Notice the benefit of such discipline:

Cleansing from evil

Purification from rebellion

As we look about us today I am convinced that much of the violence all around us today.

In my thoughts anyway, it seems to be related to the failure in the home. Lack of preventative measures to curb rebellion, disobedience, selfishness, etc.

Sadly, the consequence today on the streets is the ultimate loss of innocent lives. Failing to curb anger, respecting authority, obeying common laws, etc.

Now I know that I am treading on dangerous ground. But this instruction isn’t just focused on parental discipline.

Rather it is also directing our attention to our relationship with our Heavenly Father, and His punishment in our lives.

Sometimes He allows this in our lives. Look at the nation of Israel & His dealings with them. Their disobedience, rebellion, selfish actions, etc. His necessary dealings with them.

So Go With God for His ways are gracious, merciful & loving. When we go our own way rather than following Him then hardship many times follows. His punishment & discipline are always focused on cleansing (ultimate physical healthiness) and purity (relational harmony)

Deut. 32:4 speaking of God, “He is the Rock, His works are perfect, and all His ways are just.”

Rest in His ways & determine to follow His instructions, you will never regret this pattern.

Lindsay Winterton
Lindsay Winterton
Aug 06, 2022

Yum. Love Cinnabon.


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