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Pastor’s Corner

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The U.S. road known as "The Main Street of America" was Highway 66. Why? Because it was the first highway to run all the way from Chicago, Ill. to Santa Monica, CA. which was over 2,448 miles. It became famous by the hit song, (Get your kicks on Route 66).

Here's todays brain teaser. Which planet is known for its prominent ring system? Jupiter; Saturn; Neptune: Uranus. Make your guess.


Psalm 50:1-6 The Lord, the Mighty One, is God, and He has spoken; He has summoned all humanity from where the sun rises to where it sets. 2 From Mount Zion, the perfection of beauty, God shines in glorious radiance. 3 Our God approaches, and He is not silent. Fire devours everything in His way, and a great storm rages around Him. 4 He call on the heavens above the earth below to witness the judgement of His people. 5 "Bring my faithful people to me--those who made a covenant with me by giving sacrifices." 6 Then let the heavens proclaim His justice, for God himself will be the judge."

As way of background this was the first Psalm attributed to Asaph, most of those listed as being contributed to him were found in the 3rd book of Psalm, 73-83. Who was this Asaph you may ask? He was the worship leader among the Levites in King David's era. He was in charge of music when the ark of the covenant was brought to Jerusalem in 1 Chronicles 73. He was known for playing the cymbals which set the cadence for the songs as well as he sang with great power.

In this beginning verse the psalmist used three consecutive Hebrew names for God. The Lord - El; the Mighty One- Elohim; God-Yahweh. This combination of names is intended to emphasize God's supremacy as creator of the earth, controller of all things, and the God of Israel.

This emphasis on God's power over His creation reminds us of the importance of the works of creation that God is continually at work proving to us. The attention to His ability to intervene in our lives as we go to Him for direction. causes us to gain a full understanding of why Satan the enemy constantly attempts to move our eyes from God's powerful control of the works of creation to just a natural development of nature. Then our eyes are placed on the world around us and removed from our glorious King, the creator of all things.

The second verse begins with Mount Zion, which was known as the temple mount, this always spoke of the place where God's protection originated, in His sanctuary (Hebrew term "godesh" which means literally "holiness". This was also known as the place where His name was honored. Deuteronomy 14:23 "Bring this tithe to the designated place of worship--the place the Lord your God chooses for His name to be honored ... Doing this will teach you to always to fear the Lord your God."

In verse 3,4 the obedience of God's people to Him are directly tied to the king of Israel's obedience and honor of God to his nation. When the king calls out to God for his people, then justice and righteousness are the result. When he lives only thinking of ways to gain power over the people, then corruption, harm, and danger gain control of God's people.

Next in Verse 5 God reminds the leaders of Israel, that when they are faithful to call upon Him for leadership, then the people will naturally live in accordance with His covenant. "Bring my faithful people to me" otherwise, honor those who walk faithfully before God, for then the nation will yearn for holy living and with heavens rewards in mind.

Then finally in verse 6 even the heavens will proclaim justice, truth, blessing, and protect. For when Satan and his evil allies seek to bring harm to His people, the last phrase reminds us that, "God himself will be the judge," In other words He will bring favor upon His children when they live in harmony with His workings for them.

SO GO WITH GOD my dear believing family, for when we live in obedience and harmony with Him in our lives He no longer must punish us, but rather rain His blessings, protection, and care upon our ways.

Aug 29, 2024



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