Tuesday 9/27
Do you know who the first Vice President was? Was it John Adams or Thomas Jefferson or Aaron Burr? Stay tuned. By the way both John & Thomas died the very same day. July 4, 1826.
Our meditation for today is found in Prov. 22:17,18 "Listen to the words of the wise; apply your heart to my instruction. For it is good to keep these sayings in your heart and always ready on your lips.
These verses are instructing us on the benefits of placing God's words in our minds & hearts.
They will bring goodness into our
Then they will give us the great
benefit of passing this goodness
onto others.
My mother was a person of action so she brought many good benefits to the lives of her children. We became involved in her masterful plans, and this resulted in us learning many skills. Canning, many spring cleaning skills, baking, bargaining skills, neighborhood Bible classes to children and problem solving of all types.
On the other hand my grandmother was an avid story teller. She took Bible truths and then told us kids the stories in the Bible that proved the wisdom in it to be true, amazing and practical.
Many times when my parents were working with the youth in our church, my grandmother would baby
sit us. My grandmother & 2 uncles would before us coming lay down on the floor 6-8 comforters & pillows for us to lay on and then when we arrived my grandmother would begin by telling us her childhood experiences.
Many times we would request to hear the same ones she had told before. Then she would tell us stories from the Bible and the wisdom that they could pass onto us for our lives.
I didn't realize it but I am sure she
had read them & prepared them with my uncles. I realized it later because if she forgot a detail, or got confused they would help her with the details of the stories.
Then my Uncle John would sing & play guitar to a song that went along with the story. Somewhere along the way we would coast into sleep.
I can remember after grandmothers passing we would all 4 kids get in bed at night and recount her stories to each other. Especially in the summer we would sleep on the screened sun porch & talk about such things.
So Go With God then His instructions will come to your minds as you ask for His guidance.
Even today when some concern comes to my mind that I can't seem to come to a proper conclusion. I will pray, ponder, pour over in my mind the lessons in His Word. Throughout the night He will bring to mind His wisdom on that issue.
Sometimes I will hear the voices of my grandmother & uncles bringing comfort & instruction to my heart & mind.
Rest in His instruction my child and He will bring it into your mind & heart.
What a wonderful legacy your grandparents and uncles left you! Instead of telling you kids to be quiet snd go to sleep while they watched TV, they unselfishly invested the time wisely for you and your siblings benefit with eternity's values in view. Awesome!.