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In answer to yesterdays question, the first food item eaten on the moon, it was Jerky then the second food was Puréed Meat in a toothpaste tube, Way to go everyone you all made a great guess.

More Vet jokes: If a tree falls in the forest where there's no one present, a Chihuahua 500 miles away will bark at it. Ha, ha, How true!


Psalm 9:1,2 "I will praise you, Lord, with all my heart; I will tell of all the marvelous things you have done. I will be filled with joy because of you. I will sing praises to your name, O Most High."

These four "I wills" begin this chapter of exuberant worship of God's acts in the Psalmists lifetime. This promise of David is meant to remind us of the many historical workings of our Father, for the nation of Israel found overflowing in the book of Exodus.

See if you can remember some of those miraculous acts of God. I'll start you off. Beginning with gifts given by the Egyptian people to the Jews as they were fleeing the slavery of Egypt, deliverance from the Egyprian army (dense fog) then parting of the sea, now you list another intervention from God that they experienced. ___________________________________________________________________________________________

The next phrase brings us to a personal working of God in our lives. Can you remember some special thing that the Lord has done in your life? ________________________________________

Oh I have so many such times, but here's one way that my Father provided in my life. I remember sensing that God wanted me to resign from our church in Clovis, Ca. after serving there for eight years. As I shared this urging with a parent who had two children at the Christian school who had called at our house and was questioning the why of that decision, due to its influence on his children. Upon sharing our reasons, and the concerns for what was next, he immediately offered me a job working for his company until we knew what God's next place of ministry, that we knew God would lead us to.

Throughout that time of several years the Lord had me working with him to guide him through some tremendous personal turmoil in his life, as well as, guiding a sister church in just what they should do. Should they relocate away from the inner city or redirect their ministry focus to where the church was presently located.

The next phrase records the joy that comes to us when we stop to remember some special working that He has brought into our lives.

As for my life, at a time of personal struggle, I can remember when the Lord, guided me through these challenges of life. My integrity was being challenged, some individuals had even threatened personal harm to me and my family. In the middle of these tumultuous events, My Father filled my heart with an internal joy, in knowing of His loving care for me and my family. This was a difficult time but we together as a family sensed the Lord's presence through this difficult time. Then we each of our children at our Thanksgiving lunch expressed our personal challenges and the joys that had come in our lives as a result of those hardships.

The last phrase of these verses, David's last "I will" was a promise, to sing praise to His name, for His faithfulness in his / our lives. As just a final meditation of these wonderful works of God in our life, take time to listen to this song in You Tube: Great is thy faithfulness- Maranatha Music. I promise you that the Spirit will move in your heart as He did to me as I listened to this song. It moved me as I know it will you.

SO GO WITH GOD my dear child for our Father is continuously working in our lives.

May 03, 2024

I cannot imagine eating meat ftom a tube, but if you gotta, you gotta!!


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