Wednesday 11/16
Can you tell me the only state without commercial airline service? Well, if you guessed Delaware, you would be correct. Oh by the way, Do you think that Delaware has more chickens than people? Well, I’ll give you a clue, the state has barely just over 1 million population. So the answer to the question is, Yes it has more chickens. So much for flying there. ha!
Prov. 25:12 “Like an earring of gold and an ornament of fine gold is a wise rebuke to an obedient ear.”
This verse is the second illustrative proverb, using beautiful jewelry as an example of the value of wisely spoken criticism, as well as, the ability of the hearer to gain wisdom from those words, rather than ignoring this helpful advice.
The inference here is that just as fine jewelry can enhance beauty, so also can wise words & then wise responses bring good decisions. Both effective warnings and a willingness to learn are of great value, as well as, the enhancing of success.
I was reminded of the need to consider criticisms as an ally, for these concerns may guide us away from harm, and failure.
One of my grandsons is very cautious of any new food choices, he won‘t try any new food, but rather gets stuck on just certain foods. I recounted for him how in my school days we were required to take two bites of all food items before we could refuse any food. I told him how I had discovered that I liked spinach & greens due to this requirement. Unfortunately, this attempt fell on deaf ears, but it none the less, was given an attempt.
This proverb is an attempt to communicate this same concept. Encouraging us to listen well to criticisms, and to strive, for the benefit of the listener, to express our concern in an effective way.
So Go With God for He will out of love & concern for us strive to communicate His truth for us in many differing ways. Just as I will attempt to appeal to my grandson for his long term benefit.
We see this fact presented in the many attempts Our Father made to guide & protect His people Israel away from living in godless ways. They, many times slowly slid away from His instruction, and guidance, which ultimately ended in slavery, then when they had suffered long enough, they repented, cried out to Him and He lovingly reached out in deliverance. The book of judges repeats this illustration seven times for our benefit.
We look about us and see these very things going on, so listen & lean into learning from our loving Savior. He speaks to us with tender entreaty, and wise counsel, so listen for His voice.