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Pastor’s Corner

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Saturday is here. Yes its true. Yeah!!! Tomorrow a brand new week begins, can you believe it? By the way; Did you know that the Statue of Liberty has more than 4 million visitors every year, it is also built with 62,000 pounds of copper, that it was considered to be a light house in its beginning creation, that it takes ascending 377 steps to reach the crown main lobby? I have personally only been on the ground level, as it was closed the one time I visited the area. How about you; Has anyone else been there, taken the grand tour, etc. It's quite an amazing tour I am told.

This one structure is known as the bastion of libetry. But, in all reality our Hevenly father has provided a liberty than can't be impeded in any human manner. For this freedom we enjoy everyday, in Christ we have absolute & total freedom, regardless of the conditions of our world.

Saturday 4/29

Prov. 30:15,16 "The leech has two suckers that cry out, "More, more!" There are three things that are never satisfied-no, four that never say, "Enough!" The grave, the barren womb, the thirsty desert, the blazing fire."

As we look about us, how true are the words of these two verses.

First, from the leech's viewpoint, their thirst for blood can never be satisfied. However, even today there are medical practices that introduce leech therapy to people who have a skin diseases. The entrance of leech treartment actually helps increase blood flow in these skin diseased areas of the body, and have even caused the curing of these skin diseases. So, there are benefits that can be experienced through this limited application.

However, the application of this tendency for mankind to always desire more. Just as the leech is always wanting more so also are our desires for more.

We see these examples:


When directly facing death, though there is a relief from the struggles of life in death, there is an innate

desire to live on. Even in the believers life, our comfort in dieing is the hope of living on in heaven. Our

Heavenly Father created this within us. The desire for eternity, that desire isn't evil, its created in us.

Hope burns eternal in all of mankind.


We as mankind always find joy in the birth of a newborn baby. If you don't believe me just visit a birthing

center at any hospital. Becky & I always marvel at the joy of child birth. The new dreams of a future &

hope for that little bundle of joy. It's really contagious, don't believe me, just camp outside of the

maternity ward at any hospital.


Even after this 100 year rain downpouring, the desert is thirsting for more. Just drive out to Palm

Springs, stop along the highway, its dry hungering for more water. Pour out you glass of water & and

that water disappears instantly. Just in case you don't believe me ask Joey, he finds himself working

out there quite often. If you dig a trench there on its own without some external water source, it is

instantly dry.


Have you ever noticed when your setting around a fire, the warmth & comfort of that fire. It brings many

comforting feelings doesn't it.

So, you ask just what is the writer saying? He is saying that these are all natural forces that God has created in our world, Now its important for us to remember the purpose of this chapter is to gather all the knowledge of man together and then to go back to the source of it all. To wisdom & its foundation. Prov. 1:7 "Fear of the Lord is the foundation of true knowledge"

All of the knowledge in the world without a reverence & honor of its creator is futile. Even if we gain control of all of these forces, but fail to know & revere its creator (Our Heavenly Father) then all of that power is meaningless. However, when we come to the place of fellowship & communion with Him, everything falls together, in other words, it all makes sense.

So Go With God for in Him all of life has meaning, purpose. North Carolina State University has had a chain of suicides this year, a total of 7, which is an increase of double over its more than 50 years. The authorities are all in a panic. They are having a great upheaval. However, we know just why. Without the lessons of revering & coming to knowing Him everything in life is futile, meaningless. Rest in Him my dear one, and pass this great truth onto others for without this nothing will make sense.


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