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Pastor’s Corner

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Good rainy morning, I guess I'd make a terrible duck, Give me the sun! Anyway, It was Michael Jackson who popularized the Moonwalk, and it was so popular he made it part of his tour with the song Billie Jean.

Saturday 2/25

Prov. 28:14 "Happy is the man who is always reverent, But he who hardens his heart will fall into calamity."

One important thing that is a vital link to experiencing true happiness, is a tender heart before God and His creation; people, animals, as well as, the whole of creation. When a person becomes hard and unrepentant; angry with everything & everbody, he is for sure going to fall into trouble (of all sorts).

One thing I have noticed in my study of the scriptures is, that God will resist the proud, hard hearted person, but He can't resist a broken, contrite heart (Psa. 51:17) "My sacrifice, O God, is a broken spirit, a broken and contrite (humbled) heart you, O God, will not despise."

Our world has some people who due to their struggles have become angry, hardened, & uncaring.

Our mission is to help them envision a God who loves them, who wants to partner with them through life; its hard times, disappointments, uncertainties, and times of blessings. So ask them for one thing they need help from God and then; lead them in prayer asking for His hand to be revealed in their lives. Just that hand & heart reaching out brings comfort.

Then there are those people who find real joy in life through seeking to bring praise to God, look at Psa. 144 is a Psalm of praise to God, Vs. 9 "I will sing a new song to you, O God, I will sing your praises...Vs 15 Yes, joyful are those who live like this! Joyful indeed are those whose God is the Lord."

I personally have found when I am discouraged the best medicine is to listen, sing, speak of the reasons for praise to my Heavenly Father. David in the Psalms did this over & over, we see a number of Psalms that would reflect on sorrow, struggle, and then as he spoke of the Lord and His goodness, his heart would end in renewal, rejoicing, refreshing refrains of joy and thanksgiving.

Just read the verses of this song: Why should I feel discouraged? Why should the shadows come? Why should my heart be lonely? And long for heaven and home? When Jesus is my portion My constant friend is He, For His eye is on the sparrow And I know He watches me.

I can remember as a teen setting in the back seat of the car heading home from a busy day of service in one of the grange halls in Arkansas. Dad would turn on the Billy Graham Hour and as we rode along the back roads of Arkansaw we would hear George Shea sing this song. I was a reminded of our wonderful savior & Lord and the comfort & joy of having served Him with our day.

Those days of starting churches in the hills of Arkansas for Village Missions. Once a congregation was opened we would then turn over that fellowship to a full time missionary. How great were those 4 years of ministry, from leading singing, teaching children & teens Sunday school & childrens church, cleaning up the grange hall before church started, from last nights party, to getting the fire started in the pot belly stove, etc. All the duties of holding services in these small communities, visiting farmers, inviting them to church that night & or next Sunday, us talking to the kids & telling them of the plans for next sunday.

So Go With God for His presence in our lives, His involvement in the day to day of life, His working through each thing is so rewarding & enriching. These kinds of efforts were such an enriching work in our family. Being together in a car planning each of our parts in the service, that day, my sister playing her violin, my mom singing the solo, my brother & sisters planning the lessons & games, etc. for the kids.

What a blessing were these things to us, we didn't even realize at the time, but as we look back, God was so good. Protection on the roads, sometimes we found the roads almost impassible, trees down, flooded, etc. but God was there with a solution. Going to grange halls with lights out, candles for light, only a few in attendance, but He always met us where we were.

He is the same in our lives today, ISN'T HE??? His eye is on the sparrow & His eyes watches over you my dear one. GO WITH HIM....




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