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Pastor’s Corner

Public·41 members

Dear Lakeside family please continue to pray for Pastor Renee’s family and Chris & Vicki as they all continue to recover.

This morning we want to look at the immensity of our Father’s Love.

Based on Eph. 3:18 “May you have the power to understand, ... how wide, how long, how high, and how deep his love is.”

How wide is our Father’s love - wide enough to reach around the

world John 3:16 - He loves world

How long is His love - able to last

forever 1 Cor. 13:8 - His love

never ends

How high is His love - 1 John 3:1,2

- high enough to take us sinners

to heaven

How deep is His love - Phil. 2:8 -

deep enough to reach the lowest

of lost ones

God’s love is so immense that it can transform the worst sinner into the strongest, most magnetic person known to man for His glory. We must attempt to comprehend the essence of His miraculous love.

Go with God and demonstrate the extent of His love for all mankind, for it really is immense in every way.


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