Why not make a guess as to whether this is True or False, This phrase in is the Bible. "This too will pass".
On the lighter side:
Do you know that 70% of the earth is water, and virtually none of it is carbonated? So that's is how we know the earth to be flat. Oh ah, So much for me trying to be punny.
Today's challenge:
Psalm 7:14-16 "The wicked conceive evil; they are pregnant with trouble and give birth to lies. They dig a deep pit to trap others, then fall into themselves. The trouble they make for others backfires on them. The violence they plan falls on their own heads."
These verses contain the final thought of this chapter which lays out for us the level of harm that wickedness brings to our world. They don't just carry out wicked deeds but they are the ones who conceive, the mother of trouble / evil in their world. In fact they are so bent on evil deeds that they commit these harmful acts and then the consequences end up bringing harm to their own lives, so by the very evil deeds that they commit with the intention of harming others ultimately result in falling on them.
This principle spoken of here of harm being brought to those with wicked intent are directly referred to in Prov. 26:27 "setting traps for others, will cause them to be trapped themselves." and then in Hab. 2:15-18 illustrates the extent of harm that forcing evil acts on others brings to the one who carry's out this evil in these ways. They will bring disgrace on themselves, their glory will be turned to shame, then by cutting down the trees of Lebanon they bring drought on themselves, and the animals of the wild being destroyed which results in hunger being brought upon themselves, and finally their murderous acts bring violence to themselves and even to those they love.
In short David is speaking confidently that those who determine to become his enemies will reap the consequences that they sow in their world, particularly to those who they care for.
We see the very nature of wickedness intails, iniquity...mischief...and falsehood which sadly in turn are poured out on those who conceive these wicked acts. In short, if the slanderer refuses to turn from his evil ways, he will be dealt with severely.
SO GO WITH GOD for He will steer even those whose intent is harm, away from those whose beginning intentions are harm, and bring instead blessings to those who they were thinking to commit evil acts against. So we have daily these same choices before us that were spoken of in Numbers 16; Deuteronomy 30; Joshua 3; Ruth 2. The choice of obeying the Lord in our life or disobeying God's teachings. My dear one choose you this day who you will serve.
These were the terms that Moses spoke of from God which He laid out before Israel in Deut. 30:19 "I call heaven and earth to record this day against you, that I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing: therefore choose life, that both you and your seed may live."
This is the same vow that God promises to fulfill in our lives.
If you have time listen to this song on Youtube that refers to this day that Israel was proposed by God as sung by Big Tent Revival - Choose life. So my dear one-- Choose Life.
Not true