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Pastor’s Corner

Public·41 members

Happy Thursday to you, Happy Thursday to you, Oh that’s right the song goes Happy Birthday to you.

When I was working at Tony Tobin Elementary I would sing a song for each morning when the children would enter the gate. That was my Thursday song and inevitably every Thursday some child would inform me that their birthday was one of the days of that week.

I would then ask how old they were going to be and their favorite flavor cake & ice cream they always knew immediately their favorite.

Anyway those were some fond memories, the happiness & expectation in their face was so fun.

Our meditation for today is found in Prov. 18:18 “Casting lots caused contentions to cease, And keeps the mighty apart.”

In Hebrew days the priest had a pocket in his sacred breastplate where the Urim & Thummim were held in order to allow for the priest to pass God’s mind on an issues of conflict among Jews.

Lest you think I am wrong here are some places in the Bible referring to these instruments being used:

Lev. 8:8; Num. 27:21; Deut. 33:8;

1 Sam. 28:6; Ezra 2:63;

Neh. 7:65

There are many passages where this was spoken of as the way to determine the Lord’s mind. Josh. 9:14- regarding safe food

Judg. 1:1,2-which tribe to attack

1 Sam. 10:10-whether David

would be betrayed

Today in sports we use flipping a coin and calling the side the coin will fall on to determine an answer. The primary issue is that the people who were in conflict with each other agreed upon the outcome to give them guidance.

Today in legal matters we go to our leaders, whether city, county, or state, then if an agreement can’t be reached then we go to the various levels of the court for an acceptable solution.

In the Hebrew nation the priest being the representative of God would give God’s judgement. In the early church age the church leaders would pass on God’s will.

The primary issue presented here is that whatever or whoever was agreed on for the final word they would bring peace to the conflict.

The concept here is that as believers we should rest our guidance on God for then we will know that our all knowing God will make the wisest choice for all.

So Go With God and He will lead you in the best way and that will bring peace & contentment to your life. That is why Jesus told the disciples “They will know you are my disciples by your love.” It is our love & confidence in our loving Father that brings love to us which in turn guides our love for all the other people in our lives.


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