Well it’s Monday, a new week, new opportunities, new friendships, new experiences. Be sure to begin today saying, “Good morning Lord, What are you doing & how can I join you?”
Hey, by the way do you know Which animal has the most brains? Well I don’t know what you guessed, but this fact caught me totally off guard. It is the leech, and it has believe it or not; 33 brains. Wow, that was a surprise to me. I had no idea. Talk about confusing, I get confused with one brain, my goodness I can’t imagine having that many brain surges, Ha ha.
Well with that fact let’s focus on our meditation for today.
Prov. 20:19 “He who goes about as a tale bearer reveals secrets; Therefore do not associate with one who flatters with his lips.”
Here in our verse we are extended two warnings:
1) beware of those who give away
personal secrets
2) be careful with people who are
Gossipers will reveal secrets that were shared in confidence, maybe not with ill intent, but the hurtful outcome is the same.
Those who go about continuously speaking flattering words should raise our concerns, for they usually intend harm, or at the least to raise their status to others.
In almost all of the churches I have attended, there was at least one person who was considered the church gossip. Whether they meant to pass on confidences or not they found themselves passing on secrets that could be hurtful.
So Solomon has given us a warning that these two characteristics can bring harm or needless frustration to our lives, the gossip & the flatterer.
The other side of that warning is to be cautious in our own lives to not become one of these two people in our sphere of influence. Let personal information we become aware of become part of our conversation with our Heavenly Father for He can certainly assist in these varied concerns. Remember as we learned yesterday in Col. 2:9 we are privileged to live in God’s “fullness.”
So Go With God and He will guide you in ways that you can bring healing & comfort to those who are in need.