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Pastor’s Corner

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By the way; Do you know what a hybrid of a cow & bison is called? Make a guess; Is it a Bicow; Cowson; Bicalf; Beefalo? More tomorrow.

On the lighter side; What did the bunny give his fiancé? A 10 carot engagement ring. Ha, ho, I guess he was a vegatarian.

Monday 8/21

Eccl. 3:7b "A time to be quiet and a time to speak."

As we have noticed throughout the various Wisdom Literature. For instance in Prov. 18:6-7 a fool's speech brings trouble; while Prov. 21:23 tells us that those who remain quiet "keep their tongue" avoid trouble. While Prov. 26:4,5 warns us of two opposing conclusions; Vs. 4 be careful when entering into a foolish discussion not to be lead into a foolish outlook & response; while Vs. 5 warns us that it is important to provide a wise viewpoint in order to give wisdom to those with limited thoughts & experience.

An overall instruction is provided in a number of Bible passages which instruct us on the times to remain silent:

when we are criticized unjustly

when we are tempted to criticize other folks needlessly

when tempted to say things untrue, unkind, or unedifying

Remember Moses in Num. 20:10; Psalm 106:33 when he became angry and as a result spoke in anger and ended up barred from entering into the Promised Land due to misrepresenting God to His people.

While at another time Mordecai advised Esther that when the stakes are high in Est. 4:13,14 it was time for her to speak.

By the way Dante said this, as an added tidbit, regarding this passage in Esther, "The hottest places in hell are reserved for those who remain neutral in a time of great moral crisis" You may ask, Who is Dante, he was an Italian philosopher in 1290-1300's who was able to mix humor, truth, as well as, speak to Biblical conclusions. His words of humor lead to many varied outlooks to religious leaders in his time.

Lev. 10:32 suggested by Aaron, that silence is a proper time for highly charged, deep emotional experiences. For to speak may bring very little light but a great amount of heat & conflict.

Well I hope that this insight has been benificial, for each of you, for there certainly are times where silence bring the greatest benefit, and there are times where effective speech can bring much enlightenment & solution.

So Go With God for His Spirit will bring the best out through our speech & silence, when at another time can result in either response being administered at the wrong time will bring the greatest harm. Be dependent on His presence for He will lift you & others up, for His glory.

22 août 2023



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