So here is as good question, How do you make a Strawberry Shake? Well of course just put it in the freezer.
What was the first pizza chain in America? Was it Domino's, or Papa John's, or Shakey's Pizza Parlor, or maybe even Pizza Hut? Make a guess and let me know what you think?
Ecclesiastes 9:12 "But even though a person sins a hundred times and still lives a long time, I know that those who fear God will be better off."
In this verse Solomon points out that the true value to a life well lived isn't longevity, but rather it is based on a life of rich fullfilment. Rather, real meaning that goes beyond our lives, a legacy that lives itself out in those whose lives who were touched, or influenced by the desire to walk with God.
Unfortunately, being a good person does enrich the life of the person who committed himself to living for good. However, once that person's life comes to an end, his influence on his world also comes to an end. You see if we fail to lead others in living a life that involves more that just a life of right conduct, it comes to end when we do.
If we fail in passing on the desire for a right relationship with our Savior, then its influence only causes a temporary change. In other words we can't depend on morality to be the guide for life. The Jews were a people of morality, but when they failed to walk, fear, or desire a proper relationship with God the nation ended upon in living in slavery to evil, calused mankind.
The book of Judges is a perfect example. They ended up falling into slavery seven times. Not until they drew near to God and then centered their life on a proper relationship with Him were they given freedom. You see morality alone without a personal walk with God, results in a life of slavery. True freedom comes to our lives when we walk with our Heavenly Father in a healthy relationship with Him.
In short, the answer to a joyful life, isn't a long life, or great riches, or the honor by others while here on earth. Rather contentment, peace. and joy, are based on a proper communion with our Father. Long life, good food, great riches, etc. aren't the basis for a proper meaning of life.
David began his insights for a life of fulfillment in the first few verses of Psalm 1. "Oh the joys of those who do not follow the advice of the wicked, or stand around with sinners, or join in with mockers. But they delight in the law of the Lord, meditating on it day and night. They are like trees planted along the riverbank, bearing fruit each season. Their leaves never wither, and they prosper in all they do."
While living in the San Jauquine Valley I was reminded of the truth of these words. Because of the rich soil, and the deep water table, that this country enjoys the many crops of this area are rich with all that the land enjoyed in this place.
SO GO WITH GOD my dear ones, for when we do these simple things. Enrich our lives with His influence in our lives, reading His words, talking to Him in right relationship, as well as, fellowshipping with His people, our life will be rich with His works in our life.