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Pastor’s Corner

Public·41 members

Happy Good Friday Hey do you know What happened to the Shark who swallowed the keys? He got lockjaw, oh well I thought is was funny.

Our meditation for today is found in Prov. 17:15 “He who justifies the wicked, and he who condemns the just, Both of

them alike are an abomination to the Lord.”

This warning is one that is consistently talked about throughout the Bible. Ex. 23:7 begins the warning

with a section of the Bible

calling for justice

In Prov. 24:24 Solomon tells us

the affect of treating others

unjustly it brings personal and

national loss from being

defamed personally to

rejecting the nations value

Then in Isa. 5:23 the prophet

voices 6 warnings (Woe’s from


This verse tells us the serious nature of lying, cheating, and stealing for personal gain. It has drastic affects on the person who has been harmed, and then emphasizes the national affect.(defaming the nation)

We see today many instances of this; unjustly harming the innocent and at the same time unfairly affirming the guilty. This shows up in the media, legal, and religious world.

Ultimately God weighs in on this and He states these two actions, are an abomination to Him. In looking at this position we find that an abomination to God can result in several outcomes, the death penalty, personal punishment, or national harm and ultimate destruction. God doesn’t give these kinds of warnings unless it brings harsh consequences.

So Go With God and treat everyone fairly in order that all may be helped. In this world where injustice is ample as we refuse to participate the difference between righteousness and injustice is very visible to our world and many will be drawn to God and His guarantee of justice.


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