So can you guess,Which fictional character was invited on the 1986 Challenger mission but declined? Was it Big Bird; Chewbacca; Bart Simpson; Or Mickey Mouse? _________________ Post your answer and I’ll tell you tomorrow.
Monday 12/19
Proverbs 26:12 “There is more hope for fools than for people who think they are wise.”
Well, this is a whole new twist, this verses focus shows that the person who is wise in his own eyes is even worse off than the fool. Believe it or not the person who thinks he’s wise is the most hopeless of all persons.
In other words, “When our chest swells, our brain shrinks.“ Puffing out our chest & thinking we’re wise is our worst action.
Primarily because the conceited person is generally found to be above correction & instruction. It is hopeless to try to correct him. An ignorant fool can sometimes be helped by emotional loss or physical loss, however, a self conceited person is generally above advice.
Egotism is the epitome of foolishness.
Prov. 28:11 “Rich people may think they are wise…”
We see this warning illustrated in 1 Sam. 25 where Nabal a wealthy man refused to be gracious to David & his army, even though they had rendered protection to he and his herds. Here was David with an army of 600 men who had been a free protector of all of his assets and yet he disdained him. However, his wife after hearing of Nabal’s rudeness took food offerings and apology’s to David and his army. This action brought peace to the army, upon returning to her house she found Nabal throwing a drunken party. In the morning she told him of the action she had taken & how this had spared him of total destruction. Rather than repenting and also responding in repentance toward David, he was depressed but not sorry or thankful for his wife’s quick response. He was the example of the conceited fool.
So Go With God for he will be with you, He will guide you and protect you even when you aren‘t aware of just what to do. Rest in Him and He will take you through even your mistakes & bring blessing and correction to your life, as well as, to those who you love.
The Star Wars dude