Well you were right, The US state thay has the most active volcanoes is Alaska. For due to its vast expanse of land not inhabited by man we don't hear much about them, but they non-the-less are existent.
Here's a fact that I wasn't aware of. Which was the only man to become our US president that had a PHD? Theodore Roosevelt; Woodrow Wilson; Franklin D. Roosevelt; or John F. Kennedy? Make your guess
Psalm 54:4-7 "But God is me helper. The Lord keeps me alive! 5 May the evil plans of my enemies be turned against them. Do as you promised and put an end to them. 6 I will sacrifice a voluntary offering to you; I will praise your name, O Lord, for it is good. 7 For you have rescued me from troubles and helped me to triumph over my enemies."
This section of scripture lays out the very source of our strength as God's people:
In verse 4 the word "helper" can also be translated "power". The Lord was David's source of strength and power in his time of need.
In verse 5 we notice that his action was to give God permission to take vengeance, "put an end." to his enemies.
Then next Verse 6 upholds his promise to give praise to God for His faithful care for him as well as all of those who have learned to rest in Him.
Finally verse 7 David stands in faith over those who would attempt to bring harm to His children, to those who had as their purpose to destroy them (Israel) their enemies. But as his last phrase of confidence, David states the very source of his victory. "For you have rescued me from my troubles."
In our world there are those who strive to accuse us of having blind evidenceless faith. But faith in God isn't blind, it just sees more than we as common mankind are capable of seeing. Faith sees the glory of the future past the gloom of the present. WHEN we face the posibility of loss, we must learn to do what David did: Go to God in prayer, and then lay hold of His promises for deliverance, and guidance.
For He, God our Father will "help us to triumph over our enemies."
SO GO WITH GOD, cast your cares on Him and He will carry you through these times of seemingly impossible hardships. He will guide you towards the next step of change, and He will lead you to the way that you should move. What may seem like impossible solutions may bring to pass the possible steps of tomorrow. Remember David's words, "I will praise your name, O Lord, for it is good."
By the way these strangers who David was speaking of in the past tense were both non-Israelites and Jews who had stood in opposition of God's covenant promises. For more insights read 1 Samuel 23:19-26:1.