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Pastor’s Corner

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Way to go all of you Gone With The Wind officianado's, O'Hara was Scarlet's surname.

Which bird do you think has been known to use traffic to crack open nuts? Pigeon; Magpie; Dove; Crow? Make your guess, more tomorrow.


Psalm 91:1,2 "Those who live in the shelter of the Most High will find rest in the shadow of the Almighty. 2 This I declare about the Lord: He alone is my refuge, my place of safety; He is my God, and I trist Him."

This Psalm doesn't identify its author, however, due to its many similarities of Psalm 90 and it's use of words, it is believed to be written by Moses. This poem has a strong messianic thrust, it has four main thoughts proclaimed.

The setting of these verses, seem to be of that of an army about to go out to war. The first few verses (1,2) declares the confession of the writers confidence in the Lord. We as believers can live confidently knowing that no kind of danger is omitted from the promises of these verses. The absolute conclusion is that nothing can bring harm to the child of God unless the Lord allows it.

Verse one starts with some discussion about the secret place/shelter that can be assured to every believer who is walking in the path of the All Mighty. Then ther is strong reference to the "shadow of the Almighty." When we realize the oppressive dangers of the wilderness's intensity, we recognize the metaphor for care and protection that God has been accomplished ion the authors life.

"The most High," or El Elyon is a name throughout the Bible for God and is always linked to His priestly praise offered by His children who have experienced the fullest extent of His care for them. As we meditate on this Psalm we come to the realization that praise always precedes power.

Just think about these several instances:

Before thousands were saved at Pentecost, the people praise the Lord in their own tongues (Acts 2:11)

Peter and Silas praised the Lord in jail and the doors flew open for all to witness (Acts 16)

In other words, praise ascends from God's people before the powerful works of God begin to happen. This is why the praises of this book are so vitally important for us to declare, for it is after our worship that the mighty workings of God come to in our world.

Isaiah had learned this lesson, for we see him declare this truth in Isaiah 40:31 "They that wait on the Lord shall renew their strength. They shall mount up with wings as eagles." In other words, it is our God's intention that we soar in the Spirit, while at the same time the enemy, is a bird trapper, who is constantly trying to steal away our joy and praise. We will see this triumph in the next verse tomorrow.

SO GO WITH GOD; Openly share the praise offered by His people, so that the hopeless of our world will be lifted to share in this joyfulness, rather than the fear that is so often laden by our world. Fill His creation with praise and adoration, then our eyes will be opened with all of the joyous works of Him in our world. "He is my God, and I trust Him."

This principle is demonstrated as to why we begin our times of worship as we gather together in lifting our praise by song. My dear ones, don't hold back your praise by waiting for Him to let His glorious works tp flow into your life.

Dec 23, 2024



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