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Pastor’s Corner

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Hey, Do you know what Oct. 31st celebrates besides Halloween? Yes, that's right. It's Reformation Day, it was begun on 1517. This day commemorates the freedom that all people have freedom to hold religious beliefs, to live by them, and to publically express them. This thought was begun by Martin Luther and became ultimately a major tenet of the American Bill of Rights.

Luther claimed that this major truth was based on Jesus' words in Matt. 10:28. Take a look at it, by the way, this was the beginning of the struggle of the translation of the Bible into the language of the people (German). A necessary need for people to come into a full understanding of so they may become re-formed. Fashioned into the mind of Christ.

Sat. 10/15

Prov. 23:25,26 "So give your father and mother joy! May she who gave you birth be happy. O my son, give me your heart. May your eyes take delight in following my ways."

Remember the words we looked at in Prov. 23:15 "My child, if your heart is wise, my own heart will rejoice."

Have you noticed that all of the childhood teachings require parental discipline and balanced kindness & love.

Have you also noticed? Effective discipline requires the right motivation & the appropriate severity. (Heb. 12:5-11; Eph. 6:4)

When the adult world places their faith in the Lord, then & only then, will come the greatest joy of seeing their children becoming faithful to God.

The greatest gift a child can give his parents is... Wait for it ... a child who lives wisely & prudently before our living Savior.

So Go With God in other words "Give me your heart."

Solomon emphasized this truth to all of us. "Give me your heart ... take delight in following my ways."

Our Heavenly Father knows that to the extent that we give Him our all, it is to that extent that our joy will remain.


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