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Pastor’s Corner

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Well happy Tuesday morning all. Well my guess is that my hint of; Don't let this _________ you. Wasn't a good hint. But the city in New York connected with Canada through the Peace Bridge is Buffalo, New York.

Where's Yankee Satadium located? Chicago; New York; Boston; Los Angeles? Make you guess.


Psalm 41: 5-9 "My enemies say nothing but evil against me. "How soon will he die and be forgotten? " they ask. 6 They visit me as if they were my friends, but all the while they gather gossip, and when they leave, they spread it everywhere. 7 All who hate me whisper about me, imagining the worst. 8 "He has some fatal disease", they say. "He will never get out of bed!" 9 Even my best friend, the one I trusted completely, the one who shared my food, has turned against me."

Have you ever experienced a time when gossip and hostile words have torn at you? How about even worse, those times when those who have continually been in your corner amidst. the most difficult times finally walk away from you? I'm sure that you have experienced this kind of sorrow in your life. Well here David reflects on this sort of time for him.

This outrage of betrayal by a close friend is almost unbearable. Jesus recorded this sort of experience when Judas betrayed Him in Matthew 26:14-16. Not only had Jesus eaten meals together with Judas, but Jesus had called him friend in Matthew 26:50.

Now this friendship was not some casual friendship, but this was a deep enduring relationship. Judas was one who had walked this earth together many miles with Jesus, he was also a fellow who had slept on this earth many nights in close proximity, and even one who had carried the cares of many people in their times of need.

David in this passage was not speaking these words to one who had no understanding of this heartache, for He (Jesus) had experienced many such devestating hurts. David was recounting one such loss that he had experienced. In 2 Samuel 15:12 -31 which tells of such a hard betrayal of Ahithophel, David's closest counselor and general in all of his many conflicts. But, when he joined in war against David and counseled Absalom in just how to best hurt and defeat David, this must have deeply hurt David.

Just think for a minute just how much that betrayal must have hurt David, yet he learned this most important lesson. Only God can be counted on. Only He is worthy of our total and unconditional trust.

SO GO WITH GOD for He has felt the pains of betrayal, and loss. He has in the same way brought His pain of rejection by His closest of friends in this world. As He prayed in the Garden before His crucifixion these very same hurts were heavy on His heart. That's why when the words of Proverbs 18:24 "There is a friend that sticketh closer than a brother." had such deep meaning.

Our Lord is certainly aware of the depth of this promise that He offers to us. Rest in His everlasting love my friend, for He alone loves you as the saying goes, "through thick and thin."

07. 8. 2024



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