You all guessed what I thought was the right state, that declared Denim was its official fabric, however, it is California. The state assembly declared denim to be our state fabric. This was due to the states cotton farmers and textile producers.
Here is an unusual trivia. Which animal is predominantly left-handed? Sloth; Hippopotamus; Chimpanzee; Kangaroo. Good Luck.
Psalm 87:4-7 "I will count Egypt and Babylon amount those who know me--also Philistia and Tyre, and even distant Ethiopia. They have all become citizens of Jerusalem! 5 Regarding Jerusalem it will be said, "Everyone enjoys the rights of citizenship there." And the Most High will personally bless this city. 6 When the Lord registers the nations, He will say, "They have all become citizens of Jerusalem." 7 The people will play flutes and sing, "The source of my life springs from Jerusalem."
The background of this section of the Psalm recounts five major enemies of Israel, who are God's chosen people, who will one day worship the Lord in Zion. This will come to pass according to Isaiah 19:9-25 at some day.
Rehab was a monster of ancient pagan mythology that was worshiped by the people of Rahab as well as, the Babylonian people. These two superpowers of the ancient world, were fiercest of enemies of Israel, however, some day they will become worshipers of God in Jerusalem.
Philistia, Tyre, and Ethiopian people who were also Israel's ancient enemies their descendants will worship the Lord in Jerusalem.
This multinational worship is seen as a time of great joy for the whole world. Zechariah tells of this momentous time in history in Zechariah 8:20-23.
Springs is a metaphor for the source of joyful blessings. Eternal salvation, including the resurrection of Christ, is rooted in Jerusalem. The prophets also tell us of a literal fountain flowing from the temple in Jerusalem which will water the surrounding land. (Ezekiel 47:1-12; Joel 3:18)
Zechariah tells of this time in Zechariah 8:20-23 in verse 23 he says of this time, "This is what the Lord of Heaven's Armies says: In those days ten men from different nations and languages of the world will clutch at the sleeves of one Jew. And they will say, "Please let us walk with you, for we have heard that God is with you."
SO GO WITH GOD my dear one for "He is with you." and will be your spring of life with blessings and purpose to tell the Good News to all. Our message is that God loves all men regardless of their past and He desires to bring salvation and joy to their lives, even as a fountain of water flows its blessing to all in its path.