God’s Many Provisions For Israel
Well thousands are asking; What was the name of the song that was the Three Stooges theme song? Yes, your right, it was Three Blind Mice. Each time the Stooges came on the T.V., the song Three Blind Mice was the introduction to their slap stick comedy show.
On the more serious side; Which ancient remedy was derived from the willow tree? Was it Aspirin; Willow Bark; Eucalyptus; or White Willow. Make your choice on this trivia.
Psalm 105:37-45 “The Lord brought His people out of Egypt, loaded with silver and gold; and not one among the tribes of Israel even stumbled. 38 Egypt was glad when they were gone, for they feared them greatly. 39 The Lord spread a cloud above them as a covering (on order to protect them from the desert sun by day) and gave them a great fire to light the darkness. 40 They asked for meat, and He sent them quail; He satisfied their hunger with manna—bread from heaven. 41 He split open a rock, and water gushed out to form a river through the dry wasteland. 42 Foir He remembered His sacred promise to His servant Abraham. 43 So He brought His people out of Egypt with joy, His chosen ones with rejoicing. 44 He gave His people the lands of pagan nations, and they harvested crops that others had planted. 45 All this hallened so they would follow His decrees and obey His instructions. Praise the Lord!”
In the middle of all of these miraculous works that only God could have provided for His people; I think that the most important thought of this section of scripture was spoken of at the end of the chapter.
He brought all of these many miraculous works for Israel, so that they knew they could trust Him and His word to them. As the saying goes, “The sky was the limit.” Then also they knew that the instructions that He placed in these writings “The Holy Bible”, could be the very basis for all of truth in their lives.
Just stop to recount what these miracles were:
These people who had just made them their slaves for several hundred years gave them precious metals just for leaving them
Not only that; they feared them (they revered their God, as the true God, not the Pharoah)
You may find yourself asking why did God spread a cloud to shade them in the day time?
Well I believe for two reasons,
One to protect them from the fierce desert sun by day, so they could rest and sleep comfortably
Two so they would have the strength to travel in the cool of the night time breezes
Now He also caused the sky to light their path at night,
You may be asking, Why did they need light by night?
Well the answer is so that they could do the major part of their travelling in the cool breezes by night.
Now verse 40-44 recounts these many miracles:
Quail in the middle of the desert (enough to feed 2 million people)
Fresh daily manna that would satisfy human consumption, as well as, for their beasts of burden
Water to provide for their cleansing, drinking, purification by the river full
He even provided fresh food for their harvesting once they finished their journey, though they had
not planted it
SO GO WITH GOD for He thought of everything for these millions of weary travelers, so don’t you think He can care for you?
I remember as a child preparing for our yearly trip to Indiana to visit all of the Rhoades relatives (my mother’s parents, and my mothers seven brothers, (my uncles) and the many cousins I enjoyed playing with. As kids we had no thought for the need for clothes, or food, or money for gas. No we were focused on bringing our favorite toy to play with.
We usually left our home town just after dad got off work and then we loaded up the car and on our way out of town mom passed out the fried chicken and fixings and she always baked her famous home made chocolate chip cookies to pass the time in the evening. She had placed cloth towels to put on our laps for us to eat on, and for a special treat several bottles of cold coke to wash down this delicious treat. Then she would put the towels out the car window that we had eaten on, to shake the crumbs off.
I can imagine the Hebrew families developed a routine for travel as they traveled for 40 years across the wilderness. So rather than allowing our lives to be filled with the worry, fear, and uncertainty, look to the great provider, our Savior and Lord, for He is already thinking of the small and large needs for our future. Rest in His continuous, caring hands, my friends. As the saying goes, “God’s Got This.”
White willow