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Pastor’s Corner

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I want to thank you all for praying for my surgery, things went great. Aside from holding my hand up above my heart, and being one armed I'm doing well.

Hey can you guess what three words can change everything??? I'll give you a hint; One of the words we tell the grandkids is the magic word. So give me a guess what you think is one of the words that changes


Wednesday 3/22

Prov. 29:8 "Mockers can get a whole town agitated, but the wise will calm anger."

The NKJV calls them scoffers, KJV calls them scornful. However, either words describes the same destructive nature of these people. This warning makes clear the turmoil that is caused by these destructive folks. They not only create turmoil, but they also bring aggitatation, and division, wherever they go. If you have lived very long you have witnessed some of these totally unproductive people in your lifetime.

Have you noticed that one such person can unwind hundreds of productive peoples efforts, no matter how focused, determined, and persistent they may be.

We have seen this over & over today, at what used to be highly successful educational institutions. Remember, these schools were established by churches, guided by very disciplined, godly instructors, and directed by dedicated pastors. I imagine if they saw this putrification of their beloved schools they would be saddened. We may ask just how did this happen?

My answer is by very slow steps, first questioning whether we should have time given to recognizing the God, in public prayer, Then there was the thinking that when too much attention was being given to study of the Bible. Next, was the thinking that in order to be balanced we should allow the students to broaden their learning, by offering classes not centered on the Biblical viewpoint, allowing teachers who were thoughtful but not Biblicists. These steps took several hundred years and here we are, these same schools have become bastions of learning where radical, unbiblical thinking are in the majority, This is so this is so much the core of teaching, that should one speaker be requested an audience, the masses of students in opposition gaslight the minor attempt to bring some reason to this audience.

I don't know if you were able to attend the Jesus Revolution movie yet, but this reflected on this sort of upheaval going on in this past time, and the desperation that came to this mass of young people who were desperate to know truth. They had experimented with godlessness, revolution, drug hazed environment, and they were sure there was real truth somewhere in the world.

Becky & I spent 15 years in working with children & youth purposing to teach them of God's amazing truths. Then we moved into adult ministry with the same mission of teaching adults how to teach their children & grandchildren in these ways. Now we have been praying for this very same sort of revival might arise among the youth of our day. We see lights of this in college campuses, across the US.

We see these very same truths found in this second part of the verse "they bring calmness to an environment of anger". It has been interesting that the various campuses dedicated to the training of youth, where the light of praise, thanksgiving, various supernatural workings of God have come to light.

Our prayer is "Surely come Lord Jesus."

So God With God and by that minister to the hunger of our day. I see a hunger among the peoples of our day. Many of our day don't even recognize its source. They see it all in the political or financial landscape but it really in in the emotional arena, people are thirsting after a supernatural relationship with our Heavenly Father.

The Spirit is rising up in the souls of men and women. So we must unleash His force in our lives. God uses our personality, life experience, and spiritual gifts to accomplish this. We need to seek His way of ministry in all of our lives.

Just this week past month Sheldon while shopping at a grocery store he noticed a man whose countenance was so depressed. So in his caring way he ask him how can I help you? Long story short he prayed with him and began the journey with him through these continuing days.

Just yesterday as the nurse was prepping me for surgery, she asked, So how do you like retirement? I answered its been great I now have time to do the things I've always wanted to do. She asked what's that? Spend time with the ones I love, my wife, grand children, reading the Bible, meditating on how to pass on God's love to others. She was stunned with that one, Really, yes and He wants you to know He loves you, she was noticeably shaken.

As I was brought into the surgical room, Christian music was playing in the background, God Reigns was one of the songs my doctor had chosen for that day. They were speaking about how the lady before me had commented on the music & how she enjoyed it, of course I commented on that too. As I walked to the recovery room the same nurse was there, she asked the normal medical questions, then she said would you pray for me, my daughter is very sick. I started to pray, she interrupted me, Oh not now, but when you get some serious time. Another nurse quickly escorted me back to my waiting wife.

After getting out it was busy, driving home, etc. etc. & I forgot all about her request. However, this morning the Spirit reminded me of her request. So I admitted to the Lord my surprise of that request, etc. and I ask Him to be with this dear nurse, By her request I knew it was serious, please join me in praying for Heather & her daughter. What a relief you have given me, now I know an army of post readers have joined me.

Remember, the verse "the wise will calm anger" but not just anger, but all of ours & others emotional needs.

22 de mar. de 2023

Yup, praying for both nurse and her daughter.


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