The county that doesn't have an airport is Andorra. You may be asking why is that the case? Well it is primarily due to the fact that the land is filled with so many mountains that there is not enough flat land to have a flat runway. Secondly, the other countries are so close and they have airports so that auto travel is near enough to these neighboring countries.
Which American folk hero wad know for stating the motto of, "Be always sure you're right, then go ahead?' Paul Bunyan; Davy Crockett; Daniel Boone; John Appleseed.
Psalm 103:1-8 "Let all that I am praise the Lord; with all my heart, I will praise His holy name. 2 Let all that I am praise the Lord; may I never forget the good things He does for me. 3 He forgives all my sins and heals all my diseases. 4 He redeems me from death and crowns me with love and tender mercies. 5 He fills my life with good things. My youth is renewed like the eagle's! 6 The Lord gives righteousness and justice to all who are treated unfairly. 7 He revealed His character to Moses and His deeds to the people of Israel. 8 The Lord is compassionate and merciful, slow to get angry and filled with unfailing love."
This Psalm is considered to be the writings of just why we should be thankful to God. You will notice that the writer fuses various statements proclaiming God's actions and also character traits that He displays in our lives. Then he declares just why the natural response of those that He showers His blessings on is so freely spoken.
His willing forgiveness for our sins
His desire to bring healing to our bodies
His redemption for our sins
His faithful, consistent desire to shower love and mercy on our lives
He brings to our lives good things (sometimes in the appearance of trouble) but are meant for good
He is always ministering to us in loving, tender ways
He promises justice and right treatment will be administered to us His children
This morning let's just pick out one thing to point out to us that's we should rejoice in God's goodness to us through. Just think for a minute of how God created our bodies with the natural ability to overcome the virus, germs, that surround us each day, and the natural health benefits that He created into the plant life, that surrounds us that administers to our body renewal, and health.
All of us have experienced the way that our Father guides us as parents to recognize our childrens need for care. First they get flushed with fever, then they lay down to rest in the middle of the day, then they call out for help, through crying, or seeking to lay on our laps, etc..
We then respond by administering tylenol, or baby aspirin, if those treatments are not effective, then we seek medical attention from nurses, doctors, etc. God has constructed our bodies in such a way that He has caused our symptoms to be clearly recognized, blood pressure, temperature, throat appearance, ear infection, etc. Then the doctors prescribe the first treatment for healing, etc.
God has guided various people to have a desire to learn various ingredients that He has caused to be available to assist in the bodies struggle to recover. Isn't that an amazing fact? As parents we see these steps so often that we just assume the outcome of healing, but these are God's gifts to us in the care for our children, healing, recovery, renewal.
Verse 2 reminds us of just why we should rejoice in praise to our God, and "may we never forget (all of) the good things He does for me/us."
SO GO WITH GOD my dear one, for His blessings are really innumerable in our lives. Isn't He good? His ways are beyond our finding out. The older we get the more that we come to realize just "How great is our God." Oh, we are so blessed in so many ways, aren't we? No wonder we began this Psalm by repeating these words. "LET ALL THAT I AM PRAISE THE LORD." When you are tired upon coming to church during the worship time don't forget these many blessing that our Father has faithfully poured out on you, and then determine to forcefully lift your voice in praises to Him.
Johnny Appleseed