Howdy to you on this Thursday morning. I received this humorous quip from Becky’s cousin Terri.“Last night I dreamt I was a muffler and when I awoke I was exhausted. Ha ha ha Good laugh Terri thanks for that humorous quip.
Our meditation for today is found in Prov. 21:4 “Haughty eyes, a proud heart, and evil actions are all sin”
This verse points out three things we should guard ourselves from.
Haughty eyes - putting others in
our life down,
with insults,
caustic hurtful
Proud heart - thinking of
ourselves as wise
or more important,
to elevate ourself
Evil actions - to intentionally hurt
others, bring insults
Purposefully harm
others to seem
We all probably have memories of feeling stupid in our life, whether as a child or even in the recent present.
We all have the choice as to whether we defer to another person when they did something that could cause them to be put in a bad light or purposefully ignore or deflect, those times.
This verse is teaching us to be gracious to those people in our lives. None of us can be 100% competent all the time. Believe me I know I’m not.
Unfortunately, we all fall off the curb, trip on the dog dish, or run into the closed door once in a while. The test is “Will we be gracious to others when they do the same or will they be condescending?
We are here reminded that when we conduct any or all of these attitudes we are displeasing to God. He is gracious and desires for us to be the same to others in our life. To laugh or excuse these common mistakes is to graciously, lovingly minister to others.
So Go With God for He is definitely aware of our humanness.
Our frailty, weakness, & failures, are evident to Him & yet He covers for us continually. How gracious is our Father, He pours out His lovingkindness on us each & everyday. Oh how blessed we are. Thank you Father.