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Pastor’s Corner

Public·41 members

Good morning it’s Wednesday half way through the week. I have a surprise for you. Did you know that even though the Empire State Bldg. advertises it has 102 floors it actually has 103 floors and that floor houses electrical equipment, but also has a balcony where only celebrities are allowed to enter. This has been used for taking amazing pictures of the Big Apple.

Our meditation today is found in Prov. 18:4 “The words of a man’s mouth are deep waters; The wellspring of wisdom is a flowing brook.”

The focus of our meditation today is:

1) deep waters - the wording is directed to the inner character of a person. In other words our conversation, attitude, values are all given direction by our deep internal character.

This week a barrel washed up from Lake Mead due to the drought conditions and inside were the remains of what is believed to be a man’s body. Thought to be from the 70’s and a mafia victim of Las Vegas. The depth of the water kept this victim hidden deep for all these years.

Just as this depth of water kept this evil act hidden, so also even though we may attempt to hide our inner motives or character, our words will ultimately reveal our inner character. (good or bad)

Have you ever been amazed by someone’s slip of the tongue, that’s what this phrase is talking about.

2) wellspring of wisdom - this phrase is similar to the phrase “fountain of life” found in Prov. 10:11; 13:14; 14:27; 16:22; where these “words of the wise“ are enriching to all those who take the time to listen and follow their instructions.

Listen to James‘ insights in James 3:17 “But the wisdom from above is … peace loving… gentle … yielding … full of mercy … fruitful of good deeds … shows no favoritism … always sincere.

So Go With God and He will fill your speech with a deep, inexhaustible stream of blessings to all those in the path of your life.


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